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First off, thanks for being able and willing to do an interview for us
here at Indie Vision Music.

No problemo.

1.) I would like to say I have had a chance to hear your new record (…
In Shallow Seas We Sail) courtesy of Tooth And Nail, and it sounds
superb. What is the whole writing and recording process for you guys in
general. How has it differed from other times?

Thank you. We will write on the road or at home and then meet up and
combine all of our ideas then, sort of cut and paste. This record was
pretty much the same process. We did however do most of this record at
Matt’s house in Seattle.

2.) In what ways do you think you have grown between all the records?
(Personally, Spiritually, musically etc.)

We have really grown close as friends. Our communication skills have
increased when we are writing which saves a lot of time. We have
learned how to really enjoy being around each other all the time.

3.) What is the theme of “… In Shallow Seas We Sail?” Are those songs
about personal experiences? If so – could you share a couple of those
experiences with us?

The subject matter on this record is all over the place. It ranges from
a simple break up to questioning the existence of God. It would be to
hard to say what the theme of the record is. Musically we wanted to
write in a style similar to when the band first started. So musically
as a theme it would be getting back to our roots.

4.) What do you hope the listener comes away with after listening to
..In Shallow Seas We Sail?

I hope they can take any song and come up with their own
interpretation and apply it to their own life.

5.) How has God been working through your band this past year? Do you
have any experiences you could share?

We have had so many discussions about God which has been really cool.
That’s one thing about being around each other all the time that I have
really learned to enjoy. For us to go to any city and have fans show up
I cant help but relate that directly to God.

6.) How do you feel that your Faith impacts your music and the life as a

I don’t think our faith affects the music we write that much (besides
lyrically). It definitely affects the way we live our lives being
musicians or not. Most of our decision’s on the road or at home are
always decided by our faith.

7.) Where do you see Emery progressing to in the future? Any plans as a

We will be around as long as there are people that want to hear us. No
major plans right now as a band besides touring.

8.) Is there any plans to tour Canada soon to visit all your Canadian
friends. (Like Myself)

Not at the moment but hopefully soon.

9.) What are your three favorite songs on this new CD and why?

Cutthroat Collapse, The Smile the Face, Dear Death Part 2. I like
them because I enjoy listening to them and never get tired of hearing

10.) Collectively as a group, what are your top five favorite bands you
listen to on your off time?

I will say one band for each member. Mine would be Guns N Roses.
Josh’s would probably be Radiohead. Toby, hmmmm… for him ill say
Queen. Devin would be Boys to Men. Matt maybe Weezer.

11.) Well that about wraps this interview up. Do you have any prayer
requests? How best can us the fans support you as a band?

Not at the moment. By buying, downloading, or just listening to our
music and enjoying it. By coming out to our shows.
Thank you guys. May God Bless you as you continue to glorify him through
your music and lives.

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