Living Sacrifice (Living Sacrifice Week Day 5 - Fan Questions)

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If you’ve been following our coverage, then you know that this week has been a big week in the world of metal, as legendary rockers Living Sacrifice have finally unleashed their epic Ghost Thief upon the world. As a part of this, IVM has provided exclusive content from the band’s lead singer and frontman Bruce Fitzhugh each day. Be sure to check out previous days of our Living Sacrifice coverage: Day 1 l Day 2 l Day 3 l Day 4. To conclude this week’s festivities, we asked Bruce if he would be so kind as to answer your fan questions.

Last month you asked us to ask Bruce some of the following questions, and he did his best to answer all that he could. So, read on to find out if your question got answered. While you’re here, be sure to also check out our official review of Ghost Thief, and then go out (or online) and pick up a copy today.

IVM Readers: How do you come up with the lyrical content of your albums?

Bruce: I pick ideas and themes that I think are interesting, whether inspired by experience, or a book, or a movie. Then, I will just write down phrases and thoughts on the topic. Just extemporaneous writing. After that, I will narrow the wording down and start to structure it to fit the riff or the song. I will make some of it rhyme, or not, just depending.

IVM Readers: What are your favorite books?

Bruce: I like non-fiction biographies. I am interested in history and how people lived or did great things. People like Churchill, Lincoln, Mustaine. I like history and music.

IVM Readers: Will older albums be issued on vinyl?

Bruce: Yes. We would love to issue some of these on vinyl. Just not sure if we will have the time to make it happen.

IVM Readers: Can you talk about your touring plans for the new album?

Bruce: Unfortunately, due to work and family schedules, there will be limited touring or shows on the new record. So, if we are playing near you, you may not have another chance to see us for a long time. You’d better come, haha.

IVM Readers:  What made you decide it was time to get back together (not that I’m complaining)?

Bruce: At the time, in 2008, we were all in a position to tour again and work on a new record. We did a tour with Demon Hunter and released the Death Machine/Battle Digital only single.

IVM Readers: What are the former members up to, and why (if you can answer) didn’t Truby return after his run in P.O.D.?

Bruce: DJ has a business in Little Rock doing house and home remodeling. Jason writes and records albums on his own. I don’t think Jason was ever interested in re-joining LS. Besides, when we reformed in 2008, it was always the idea of Rocky, Arthur, Lance, and myself. These are the guys that have been the core of the band since 1998.

Chris Truby is a minister and missions pastor based in Kansas City, MO. Matthew Putman stills rites and performs in various bands and has a family in Arkansas.

IVM Readers: Which bands/musicians did you guys first fall in love with and how do they influence your songwriting?

Bruce: Well, I would say AC/DC, Van Halen, Kiss, Metallica, Megadeth, Testament… that covers a lot of them. The heavier bands influenced our songwriting early on, but not as much now I don’t think. We have sort of developed our sound over the years.

IVM Readers:  What are your funniest “I’m old” stories?

Bruce: The night I tore my ACL jumping off a light box during a show. That was embarrassing for sure. I had to go to the hospital and get a leg brace. My knee was swollen like a cantaloupe. I had to play two more shows through to finish out the tour just standing perfectly still and playing, haha.

IVM Readers: What other names were considered for the band in the beginning?

Bruce: No other names. Darren Johnson, DJ, our original singer had the name of the band early on when we were about 17, before we had a full band.

IVM Readers: Any thoughts of doing more EP’s like Death Machine?

Bruce: Definitely. We may do an EP next.

That’s it for Living Sacrifice Week here on IVM. Hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to keep coming back for more great news, reviews, and interviews.

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