Love is...

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In this interview, Brett Miller of Love is… talks about their most recent album, touring, and plans for the future of their music. Keep reading to find out more. Check out my review of Love is’ Shelter EP here.

Who are the band members and what instruments do each of you play?

Currently the only full time member of “Love is” is myself, Brett Miller. I play guitar and sing. I do, however, have a community of amazing people who perform with me on my live events and such.

So, could you please tell us some history of the band?

Love is was born almost 2 years ago with a couple of acoustic worship songs I had been playing for a while in my room. I feel like this project has been in the making from my childhood though—all of my broken experiences of frustration with my flesh. Lies and selfishness being covered by God’s grace is really what pushed me into ministry. All I had to do was close my eyes and follow. I was recently picked up by “Come&Live!” and it has been everything I could ask for in a community of brothers and sisters. Saying “God is good” just doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Your Shelter EP came out in May. What are your favorite parts of that release?

Honestly, my favorite part of being a musicianary in general is seeing people affected by God’s work through these songs. My process of writing usually starts with honest cries to God. Whether those are questions or frustrations or just crying out how good He is… I feel like that’s where people have been connecting. I really don’t aim for people to compliment me on my musical skills (there isn’t really much to talk about there…haha). From day one, my target is honesty and humility. I am a servant and wish to be viewed and treated as nothing more. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t really get to the root of your question and I apologize. My favorite part of the shelter release is seeing/hearing people being positively affected by it.

The track “Grace” is featured on our Passionate Hope Vol. 2 compilation. What is that song about?

Grace is an honest look into my heart. It reveals who I used to be before Christ made His way into my life. It was written from a broken state of just longing to see His love invade the earth. It was just one of those songs that I didn’t even think about the words I was writing. It was more of a prayer that I wrote down word for word, and created a melody to go with it. That’s how most of these songs came together.

What kind of feedback have you been getting about your EP while you’re out on the road?

You know, I’m in a rather interesting stage right now with this ministry. I haven’t gotten any “negative” feedback yet. I’m just sort of breaking through the indie/worship community, I guess you could say. There have been people really stoked because they have heard Love is on the radio and what not… but more often than not people have never heard of me! One thing that I am extremely humbled by every time I hear it is that a “sweet presence” fills the room whenever I do acoustic worship. I in no way am claiming to be the root of that presence. It is entirely the Lord. I’m just honored that He has chosen me to present this gift wherever I go. It has kind of become my driving force and my motivation on tours.

What are your tour plans right now, and where can fans find the details?

In September, I am making my first trip to IL, IN, MO and MI which I am very excited about. Before and after those dates, I have one-night shows throughout California. Just go to and click the “tour” link.

How has your partnership with Come&Live! helped get the word out about your music?

It has helped immensely. However, that is probably last on the list of why I chose to partner with them. Come&Live! is a ministry pursuing this generation. We both have the same exact vision for God’s call on our ministries and it has been so amazing to be able to partner with them.

Who are some of your musical influences?

All Sons & Daughters, Andrew Peterson, Ascend the Hill, Copeland, Deas Vail, Gungor, The Glorious Unseen, Nevertheless, and The Civil Wars. All for different reasons.

How would you describe your sound?


What is your meaning behind the name “Love is…”?

I really wanted to have a name that held me accountable in everything I was going to be involved with. With a name like Love is, I knew that I would have to uphold that to the best of my human abilities. Most importantly the “…” at the end of the name represents the nails on the cross.

What do you have in the works musically? Any plans for a full-length album?

Yes! Be on the lookout for a full-length early next year. Right now I am preparing to head into the studio for an acoustic EP. (I have been doing a lot of acoustic shows and people have been sincerely bummed out when they find out I only have full band recordings). So I am going to change that… haha.

Are there any artists that you’ve been listening to lately that you would like to share with our readers?

Every single artist on Come&Live! has blown me away with their heart for Christ and their passion to serve. I strongly recommend listening and supporting them before Love is… Stop by my page when you’re done.

What are some of your favorite activities when you’re not making music?

Honestly, music is such a consuming lifestyle (yes I do love it) but all my spare time goes to learning about and spending time with Christ. When I have spare time outside of that I am either running or doing something outdoors. I love trees and the sea.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

If anyone out there has any more questions feel free to shoot them my way.

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for Indie Vision Music, Brett!

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