Meet vocalist Aaron Bridgewater of As They Sleep

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Why Solid State?
Because SS represents everything, we want to be as a band, values, smaller roster, and a SOLID roster. Most labels just flick you to the wall and see how long you can stick there…

How long have you guys been playing together and how did you meet?
Wow, opening up this can are we hahaha. Well, it all started back in Sept of ’03. I was looking for a band to front, and through ads, I found that there were a couple of other dudes looking for a front man. We joined together and the three of us formed As They Sleep. It consisted of myself, a guitar player, and a drummer. We started writing immediately, and actually started playing shows together as a three piece, I know, probably wasn’t the wisest thing to do. We picked up a bassist down the line, then another and another… and the same thing happened to the other two members as well. Long story short, after a roller coaster ride for the first few years, we FINALLY ended up with our current line-up and we’ve been like this for the last few years now. As far as knowing this “band thing” was going to work… we didn’t. All we knew was when we listened back to what we had written, it didn’t suck (at least we didn’t think so ha-ha) and as long as we were able to hang with the big names… we knew we had a shot! So, here we are, in our seventh year and ready to devastate!

What are your major influences (doesn’t have to be music)?
metal. 1988-present.

What does As They Sleep do to on their first album to make the album unique?
We just mixed everything we knew into one big pile and composed the best we knew how.

Will this be your most aggressive album?

Are you changing any of your style/sound from “Blacken the Sun”?
Maybe just a touch, all of the bars will be raised… that’s the best way I can describe.

Any guest vox planned for the new album?

What producer are you recording with?
Nick Morris of Cloud City Studios will be tracking the album, but Jason Suecof (BDM, ABR) will be mixing it.

Are you recording new material or re-releasing some of your previous material?
No, it will be ALL new material, although our 1st album “Blacken the Sun” is still available everywhere too… hint hint, nudge nudge.

Can you tell us about winning “Search for the Next Great Metal Band”?
Honestly, we barely knew anything about it hahaha, I just thought it was going to be another promoter’s evil plot to line his pockets on some “battle of the bands”. Turns out Metal Blade backed the whole thing and we performed one show and ended up being selected by Brian Slagel himself! We are definitely geeked to carry the title!

Did you guys have any scriptures in mind when you started writing for this record?
Matthew 7:1… look it up!

When and how did you learn how to scream?
I came out screaming… I was loud my whole life, and then in my teens I honed in on the diaphragm technique that you hear today… honestly, I think I learned by accident?

What are you currently listening to?
The new Black Dahlia Murder, August Burns Red, Jimmy Buffett, and myself! Hahaha

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