Owl City

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What is the meaning (if any) behind the name “Owl City”?

Once when I was six years old my dad and I were snowplowing an empty church parking lot in the middle of the night during a raging Minnesota winter blizzard. My dad had a huge mustache so it was cool. We were bouncing around in the truck plowing up a storm when suddenly an enormous owl slammed into the windshield going way over the speed limit. Unfortunately we killed it but the poor little guy hit US so it wasn’t really our fault. You might say I was never the same after that.

You’ve recently had your latest album “All Things Bright & Beautiful” released? What has been the feedback from your fans & your peers towards the album?

Very positive. It’s such a beautiful thing to see people exploring the next chapter of this crazy story and as an artist, positive feedback is priceless.

What software do you use to create your tracks?

Predominantly Logic for sequencing and bit of Reason here and there. I mix in Pro Tools.

Do you plan on continuing your Port Blue project at all or have any new releases from your other projects planned?

I’m always writing new material for Port Blue because that’s kind of what keeps me sane in a pop industry.
My real love in music has always been experimental instrumental music and that’s what Port Blue is all about. Feel good music.

Will Goodbye Dubai (a planned side project with Matt Thiessen) ever happen? If so, what could we expect? Your voice with his music, or vice versas?

Who knows! I’m hoping it will come together.

Do you think fame has affected your relationship with God?

Indeed. It’s grown me much closer to my Savior than I could’ve ever imagined.

Is there any song by another artist you wish you could put a Owl City twist on?

Hulk Rules by Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band

You tweeted recently about enjoying the new album by The Chariot. What do you like about heavy music as compared to the electronic/pop style that you create?

I grew up listening to a lot of hardcore and screamo and a ton of those bands were my first early inspirations. I started playing music as a drummer in a doom metal band from South Dakota so heavy music will always have a special hilarious place in my heart.

Who are some of your favourite artists to tour with?

Any crazy tour stories you’d like to share? We’re out on the road with Unwed Sailor right now and, I kid you not, they’ve been my absolute FAVORITE band in the universe since I was in high school, so obviously it’s an incredible dream come true. I wake up every morning and think, “YES, I get to go to an Unwed Sailor show today!” It’s so surreal.

Who are 3 active current bands/artists you’d like to tour with?

Kevin Costner, Four Tet, Mogwai

What is one major positive and one major negative aspect about the current state of the music industry?

Music is really accessible today and I find that exciting. On the other hand, popular music it seems has become terribly exploited and formulaic with regard to whatever we thing “hits” are. That tends to exhaust me.

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