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Email interview with Eric (guitar/vocals) of Patriarchs. The band’s brand new album Emerge is available now. Read on to hear about the band, the album, and read the lyrics to the exclusive download we are offering.


First off, since you’ll be new to most of our readers, give us a short back story of the band.

Well, Patriarchs started approximately mid 2008. The original lineup was myself (guitar), Clint (guitar), two of my closest friends: Jason Maggard (bass) and Jarad Bean(drums), and our prior vocalist Ethan Talley. All of us, beside Jason, had been in previous bands (we kind of threw Jason in there because he was our best friend). Initially, we were really unsure as to what direction musically we wanted to go in. As a matter of fact when Clint joined the band we had written the two songs “Mountains” and “Freedom”, and had booked time at Chango Studios, he literally had a week to learn the songs before we recorded our two song demo. We were definitely lacking in synergy. Three months down the road some “things” came up and Jarad and Jason had to leave the band. At this point, we recruited Adam (drums) and Charles (bass), this is when I feel things began to actually start clicking. We started envisioning, who we wanted to be as a band.

Where are you guys from? How is the music scene there?

Though we all come from different parts of Central Florida, we’d all agree that Tampa is our hometown. The Tampa music scene is, at least in our near genre of music, very opinionated but embracing all the same. Many of the smaller touring bands receive negative responses at first, but once they have been accepted the scene is extremely supportive. We feel very blessed to be a part of such.

I like that the description you gave about the band’s name. Can you explain to our readers the meaning behind Patriarchs?

All of us beside Clint, come from a divorced home. Experiencing this firsthand, we realize how torn the family has become in our culture. We feel that not all, but a large portion of this can be attributed to men not fulfilling their responsibilities in and outside the home. This is one meaning behind Patriarchs. Patriarchs, are not just familial leaders though, they are leaders in all aspects of life. These are times of apathy, misdirection, and hedonism, we look to inspire people to exemplify honor, integrity, and responsibility; to go against the grain and live a life filled with purpose. This is not a sexist message, we just happen to be men, women should be Matriarchs ha.

Describe your overall sound.

We attempt to try and structure our songs progressively, moving uphill toward the climactic ending. Musically, we like to contrast diminished rhythms with melodic lead-work, screaming with singing. I think if I could include as many sub-genres as possible I would categorize us as Christian-Progressive-Melodic-Hardcore.

Who are your bands biggest influences?

Definitely Misery Signals, they have composed some of the most effective yet beautiful songs I have ever heard. All in all, including Misery Signals, Life In Your Way, It Prevails, and Advent.

You just released your new full length called Emerge. Is this your first recording?

No, we released a two song demo upon the bands conception back when Jarad and Jason were still with us.

How has the response been so far?

Thus far, (a week in) we have received a response that is more than pleasing to us.

Who did you record the album with and where?

We recorded with Joel Lauver, of Burning Bridge Recordings in Nashville, Tennessee.

How was it working with him?

Joel was an incredible person to work with; not only is he a solid audio engineer but an insightful producer, being an accomplished musician himself. I would recommend Joel to anyone.

When I contacted you I noticed you guys were without a vocalist. Have you been able to fill that position yet?

We have found a new vocalist (David Escamilla), we were waiting to announce such until the release date, when we had planned on having new promos.

Did your original vocalist leave after recording the album or did you just have someone fill in?

Ethan did record “Emerge”, he left shortly after we returned from Nashville.

Do you guys have any plans to tour outside of Florida in support of the new album?

We would like to tour as soon as possible, but being that most of us are in college we are restricted at the moment. However, if we had the right opportunity to be apart of, we would all put our education on hold.

Name a few current bands that you’d really like to tour with.

It would be a dream to tour with any of the bands we listed as influences. I think our ideal tour would be As I Lay Dying, Haste the Day, August Burns Red, and Misery Signals; now that would be a tour to remember.

You guys have stated that you view Patriarchs as a ministry. What would you like accomplish in terms of this ministry?

Patriarchs is absolutely a ministry, but with a message that goes beyond salvation, and one that I feel can be applied to non-Christians and the like. We want to not just reveal God’s love and compassion, but to convey his will to mankind, a will that is rational and logical. As far as accomplishments are concerned, I don’t think there’s any tangible way of measuring the impact we have/will deliver in our bands existence, but we hope to always be messengers for God, and deliverers with clarity.

What other goals, outside of the ministry aspect, would you like to achieve with the band?

Music is an expression, an expression that moves people. An ultimate goal of ours, until the band is no more, is that we will consistently motivate and push people to strive for personal betterment.

We also would love to be at the point, where we are touring full time everywhere all over the world. Touring in Europe would be fantastic.

Is there anything else you’d like to leave with our readers?

If you love and cherish the music, as much as the musicians who create and play it, please continue to send your support to them in any way possible. It’s a shame that in an industry based upon art, creativity isn’t being glorified. I thank God, for the wonderful people involved in independent music, they give us hope and meaning.

Before we wrap up, give our readers your best sales pitch as to why they should check you guys out.

If you want something to pump you up when you’re at the gym, on your way to work, or school listen to Patriarchs, it’ll elevate your life. HAHA, sorry that’s the best I could come up with on the fly.

In all seriousness, we are here to make a connection with people. Give us a chance to make a connection with you, we are waiting!

Don’t forget to check out the free download of “Searching” right here on IVM!

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