The Saving

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I recent got the chance to interview Andres Ortiz, the brains behind the one man project that is The Saving. We talked about the recording process, lyrics on the new album, and what the future holds for the project.

IVM:How did the idea for The Saving come about?
Andres Ortiz: It came about when I first got saved, it was the vision the Lord gave me but I did
not take it seriously until many years later (I was saved in 2006 and didn’t fully take it on until 2012). It was the right time as God had worked plenty of stuff out of my life (and still is) to be able to take on the ministry of The Saving. I couldn’t find anyone here to play with but the Lord convicted me of doing the mission no matter what the circumstances.

IVM: How did you figure out what genre of music you wanted to play?
Andres Ortiz:I love all kinds of music, and I played in my church worship band for about 7 years,
but I have always leaned heavy in my song writing. I also have a heart for these kids in the metal scene that have no hope and love listening to hopeless music. Music with the real hope of Christ needs to be in every genre, and metal is no exception.

IVM: Why did you choose the name for the project?
Andres Ortiz:Again, just the vision the Lord gave me. Literally, the day I got saved (11.11.06)
He implanted the idea in me of “The Saving.”

IVM: Have you ever thought of expanding the project into a full fledged band?
Andres Ortiz:That would be awesome, but people are so unreliable by and large. I’m trusting in
the Lord to do what He will with this ministry because here is my circumstance:

I live in South Florida. Not exactly the bible belt, God doesn’t have that many friends down here. I play somewhat complicated metal music that is boldly Protestant. So the odds of me finding people talented enough to play it with a heart for ministry in this wasteland of SoFlo are pretty slim. Ergo, it’ll take a miracle from the Christ to make this thing hit the stage. Either way, I am content and seeking to be obedient.
Every time someone sends me a message saying how much the music and my posts have impacted them, it’s all worth it.

IVM: How does the recording process go with only one person doing everything?
Andres Ortiz:It’s pretty exhausting. Back when I used to be the vocalist or drummer of a band, studio time was not very long. You lay down drums or vocals for maybe a day or two and then you can kick your feet up and relax. Even while you are sitting over the
whole process to make sure you are having your creative input, you still don’t have to play all the instruments.

With The Saving, I not only have to write everything but I also have to record everything. So David Star was about a whole week of just non stop recording. It’s exhausting but I do like the creative control that I have. No one can tell me jack!

IVM: What are your favorite and least favorite instruments to record?
Andres Ortiz:I like recording drums because that is my first instrument, but vocals are definitely my strong suit. Jered Youngbar (of Motion Audio Studios in Maryland) even noticed when we went to record vocals that my demeanor completely changed. I am a lot more confident and strong with vocals.

Guitars is definitely my least favorite to record. I love hearing how it comes together but actually recording guitars? Not a fan. I don’t consider myself a great guitar player so there’s more takes than I would prefer.

IVM: Why did you choose King David as the subject for the new album?
Andres Ortiz:I think the story of David is relatable to everyone on a certain level. While not everyone will become the King of a nation in their life time, everyone has had a crappy job, some people are the lowest of their siblings, everyone has fallen into grave sin that’s cost them deeply, and we all have had some sort of great victory in our life. I think the story of David covers almost all aspects of life so that made for a great album. The most important part, however, is God’s faithfulness throughout. If God was faithful to man that was so lowly, went so high, and fell so hard…surely He will be kind to the rest of us ding dongs.

IVM: Did you ever consider choosing another Biblical character or did you know
from the get go that you wanted to tackle David?
Andres Ortiz:I never considered anyone else. While there are many other great characters in the bible, I think the best concept was David. His life was such a roller coaster that I could write so much from it.

IVM: What are some of your favorite songs on the new album? What times in
David’s life do they cover?
Andres Ortiz:Really all aspects of David’s life up until his repentance from adultery and murder with Bathsheba. Every song is meant to convey a different feeling but I think my favorites would have to be Goliath or God Of Kings.

IVM: Your past album, Reign of Terror, was also a concept album about The
French Revolution. Why choose such a gruesome time period?
Andres Ortiz:That was a time where a whole civilization sought to do away with God. What came from it? Well, the reign of terror. Keep in mind, that’s not the name the church gave it, it’s the name that history gave it. Therefore, you want to do away with God in your life or in your culture? Prepare for terror.

IVM: How have you matured as a songwriter in between albums?
Andres Ortiz:A lot! I always listen to the albums just to criticize myself and see in what areas I can improve or what I could have done better. Everyone is their own worst critic, so I make sure that each album will be better than the last.

IVM: Do any authors or musicians influence your sound or your lyrics?
Andres Ortiz:I’m a huge Dustin Kensrue and Thrice fan. Anyone that has listened to The Saving can also tell you I am a huge fan of R.C. Sproul and his Ligonier ministry. Their mission is to awake people to the holiness of God and I have kind of taken that on with The Saving.

IVM: I’ve noticed you tend to receive a decent amount of flack for your lyrics
due to their honesty. Does this affect you and your writing at all?
Andres Ortiz:Absolutely it does. That’s the whole point of my lyrics, to stir up Christians to love and good works, as well as piss off the demons that live in unbelievers. With the new lyric video I come out strongly against abortion as it really is: murder. It’s starting to make some people mad, and that’s exactly what I wanted to do. If my music is not upsetting anyone, I’m not preaching Christ and Him crucified.

IVM: What books, movies, shows or other forms of entertainment have you been
enjoying lately?
Andres Ortiz:I just started reading Religious Affection by Johnathan Edwards. I have also been on a large Spurgeon and Calvin binge, and as I previously mentioned I am always listening and reading Sproul and Sproul Jr. If you already couldn’t deduce this: I am also a Driscoll addict.

IVM: If you could show one track to a potential fan to try and get them to
listen to The Saving, which song would you pick and why?
Andres Ortiz:God Of Shepherds. I would show them the lyric video to that. It covers almost everything The Saving stands for: reformed theology, a Christian work ethic, the real hope that is in us through Christ Jesus, and of course the genocide of abortion.

IVM: What does the future look like for you and The Saving?
Andres Ortiz:I am actually experiencing a lot of change this year in my personal life with my church closing down, employment matters, and relationship stuff. No doubt that will also fuel a lot of my writing for the next album. I am just looking to put out good Christian art to bless the brethren and make sure unbelievers understand that my faith does not cause laziness but excellence in my art. I am not one of those folks that says I am not a Christian band i’m just a musician that plays music. No. Absolutely not. I was bought with a price, I am not my own, therefore my art is not my own. I surrender it at the feet of Christ and have Him do what He will with it, and unless I’m reading my bible upside down He wants to encourage His followers with The Saving, and slay some demons with the music they have been using for so long to wreak havoc on the world.

IVM: Any final words for the readers here at IVM?
Andres Ortiz:Repent & believe. To hell with the devil.

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