With Blood Comes Cleansing

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Interview by: Len Nash

Recently I had the opportunity to interview Scott Erickson, guitar player, from the metal/death metal band With Blood Comes Cleansing that started up in the quaint town of Albany, Georgia. These guys are a recent, fresh off of free agency, signage with Blood and Ink Records. This is the result of those questions I asked Scott.

By the way, if you’d like more info, free song downloads, and lyrics for WBCC go to: http://www.myspace.com/withbloodcomescleansing

Len IVM: What’s the name of the band and why do you have this name?

Scott WBCC: With Blood Comes Cleansing. It symbolizes that with the sacrifice and shedding of Christ’s blood on the cross, our sins would be cleansed. Without this sacrifice, there is no cleansing.

Len: Who is all in With Blood Comes Cleansing?

Scott: Michael Sasser(vocals), Jon Stripling(bass), Spence Erickson(drums), Jeremy Sims(guitar), and Scott Erickson(guitar).

Len: How has it been so far being with Blood and Ink?

Scott: It’s been really nice. They’ve got a lot in store for us, and it’s nice to have someone push us. Believe it or not we actually have never met anyone at Blood & Ink in person. The Blood & Ink Fest will be the first time we’ll meet those guys.

Len: What is the history behind With Blood Comes Cleansing?

Scott: WBCC came out of a band called Betrayed With A Kiss. They had some legal issues with another band of the same name and decided to change to With Blood Comes Cleansing. Shortly afterwards, the drummer left and my brother, Spence Erickson joined on as the drummer. Then this past summer the bassist and lead guitarist left. So Jon Stripling came on as the new bassist, and I came on as the second guitarist. Then this past December we went through one more member change. Our vocalist, Dean Atkinson left to pursue a career in church ministry and our good friend Michael Sasser came on in his stead. Two months afterwards we signed to Blood & Ink Records, and now we’re doing our best to keep as busy as possible.

Len: You said that, “With Blood Comes Cleansing. It symbolizes that with the sacrifice and shedding of Christ’s blood on the cross, our sins would be cleansed. Without this sacrifice, there is no cleansing.”
What does all of this mean to the guys in the band and/or is there anything you would like to expound upon with that statement?

Scott: It’s a constant reminder of the price that Christ paid for our forgiveness of sins. Not that he took a small punishment or a “time out” in the corner, but that he was crucified and bled for us, that we would have eternal life through him. It’s a reminder of the seriousness of my relationship with Christ, and the importance of it.

Len: What is your favorite place to perform?

Scott: Definitely the Core in Columbus, Georgia and Murray Hill Theater in Jacksonville, Florida.

Len: You guys see each other a lot since you are in a band practicing, playing shows, hanging out, etc. What is you favorite place to eat out as a band and what does everyone order usually? Who is the most eclectic in musical tastes?

Scott: I think the place we probably eat most often is Pizza Hut. The choice there is usually breadsticks, those things are just heavenly.
I would think my brother, Spence and I have the most eclectic musical tastes. Being brought up in a home where both parents are musicians, I’ve been subject to all sorts of sounds and styles.

Len: What makes a venue “likeable”?

Scott: Their hospitality towards bands mostly and organization as well as the venue set-up itself. Some stages and venues are more “comfortable” to play in than others. Sometimes it’s just the crowds at those places that makes the venue “likeable”.

Len: Which states would you like to perform in that you haven’t had a live show in?

Scott: Definitely California. I’d really like to play in Texas and New York as well.

Len: Which “tour” would be “a dream tour”? What bands, etc.?

Scott: For me, it would be Chasing Victory and Imperial, East Coast tour.

Len: Have you ever had any bad accidents with your “touring van”?

Scott: Um, I don’t know if you’d call them accidents. We did go 15,000 miles over our due oil change though and totally annihilated our transmission in the snows of South Dakota.

Len: Give me one reason why WBCC likes either PureVolume or MySpace?

Scott: Myspace. The music streams better because of the way they compress it. Plus it looks cooler.

Len: What are your guys’ influences?

Scott: Our influences are mostly along the lines of death metal (Necrophagist, Neuraxis, Meshuggah, Black Dahlia Murder…) personally, I am heavily influenced by Between the Buried and Me and The Mars Volta.

Len: Who’s more metal Ray Boltz, Rebecca St. James, or Michael W. Smith?

Scott: Dude, Michael W. Smith. His “Change Your World” album totally rocked.

Len: Have you ever heard of the PBS show Boohbah?

Scott: Nope.

Len: Good. It is a “children’s show” that is just plain odd.

Len: Any final statements, comments, shout-outs, etc.?

Scott: Yes. Everyone needs to go see the Necrophagist/Neuraxis tour in May. God bless!

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