Ties That Bind

Relase date : November 8, 2019

Mainframe return with their third release and best so far. 7 songs of pure melodic punk rock with a couple acoustic-punk lite tracks thrown in for a good measure. If you dug what the band accomplished in the past, you’re going to fall in love with this new album. Featuring the hit single “Not Going Ahead Without You”.

In case you missed the news over the weekend, Mainframe has released their 3rd effort titled “Ties That Bind” featuring 5 plugged in rockin’, punk inspired tunes and 2 tracks that are sort of “unplugged” if you will and perfect for those long drives or moments when Coffee is needed most. Check out this great collection of songs and some of my most favorite Mainframe tracks, available on all digital networks and streaming sites. You can also buy right off our Bandcamp page here. I can guarantee you this, there isn’t any other bands like Mainframe out there and their sound is definitely refreshing. Rachel’s backing vocals are on fire this time around and this release really benefits from solid BGVs. Let us know what you think in the comments and please write a review on any site that’ll let you. Thanks friends for the support, I appreciate it and I know Noah does too (he visits IVM often so please tell him what you think of Mainframe songs). Stream a new song and check out the album via spotify link below. That “Aperture” track is pure FIRE!

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