The Variant - A Day Without Love

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Former Rest. member Hagin Henderson has released a lyric video for his new side project The Variant. The Variant is a collaboration between Henderson and Gavin Livermore. We were first introduced to Hagin by Spoken frontman Matt Baird during our interview with him prior to the release of their Illusion album. We later went on to review Rest.’s Slaves EP noting that “Rest. bring a carefully plotted out message via skillfully worked through alternative rock.”

The Variant follow this alt. rock pattern of carefully laid out music. This track features some varied vocal tones from Hagin’s work in Rest., so fans of the former band will be able to experience a fresh sound and a good example of what is to come in The Variant.


You can connect with The Variant on Facebook and through their official website. Be sure to check back here for more details in the near future.

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