for KING & COUNTRY are gearing up to release their brand new full length record (their 4th) titled “What Are We Waiting For?” that drops on March 11th 2022 and have just released a new song titled “Unsung Hero”. It’s a beautiful song and a fitting tribute to parents all over the world that raise us, leading by example. For those that didn’t have the most ideal parental experience, consider it a song for anyone special that came into your life and taught you life lessons, speaking truth. “Unsung Hero” is a song dedicated to all of mankind and the experience of listening to this song serves as a perfect tribute to honor those we love and whom continue to give selflessly. Check out the “Unsung Hero” music video below and make sure to also give their other 2 most recent NEW songs a listen on your digital network of choice. You can pre-order the new album in a few different packages right here.

for KING & COUNTRY - Unsung Hero (New Music Video)
By Brandon J. in Music Videos | No Comments
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