Heath McNease - Skibbidy Biddidy/ Groundhog Day

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Heath McNease is one of the hardest working guys in the music business. Proof of this, he’s got another new mix tape out today. Be sure to check it out, here. In addition to a new album, he’s got two (count ’em) new videos out for your enjoyment.

Want to see Heath smashing water balloons and shooting an impressive string of free-throws? Be sure to check out “Skibbidy Biddidy” here:

Want to hear “Groundhog day” from Thrift Store Jesus? Check it out here:

Want more Heath McNease awesomeness? Be sure to check out our two interviews with the man, right here on IVM. Be sure to sound off in the comment’s section. Proposed topics: Heath needs to eat more, white people, basketball, looking like a pilot. Go.