[Some ‘2000’ song favorites can be heard below] On this day in year 2000 I launched a website that changed the trajectory of my free time and offered a hobby that became so much more. I may not have ridden the dot com wave or had a commercial at the Super Bowl but I found happiness and contentment in my own little niche on the world wide web. I’m immensely proud of IVM and my experiences over the past 23 years. To hold on to one domain with one owner for that many years is nothing short of extraordinary (a miracle really). Thanks friends, supporters, and casual visitors for helping to create a fun little community and place to hang out. It may not have become that full time life sustaining “job” I had hoped for years ago but the lessons I learned saved me a lifetime of headaches. God Bless Indie Vision Music and God Bless America 🇺🇸 23 years and counting…

23 Years of Indie Vision Music
By Brandon J. in News | 3 Comments
Thank you for the years of work that you put into this website. I don’t check it out as much as I did before but in my 20’s this was one of the places where I got a good majority of my music recommendations from.
Congrats on 23 years! Your site is one of my absolute favorite resources on the internet for Christian music. I enjoy the community and writings of yourself and Timo Cuoco the most.
Thank you Nathan! I appreciate your comment more than you know 👍🏻