Allen Odell released a brand new song titled “Are You Okay?” back in January and it is a magical, beautifully dynamic yet simple, new song. I’m loving the vocals and soft guitar strumming from Allen. This song has some soft beats in the background adding layers to this already great sound. It’s like a mix of Matt Kearney, Jon Foreman, and David Bazan with a little Snow Patrol thrown in (vocally). This is a bright and uplifting track, perfect for those warm spring/summer days (still to come). Sit back, relax, let the rays of sunlight pierce the clouds and offer a certain warmth of comfort to your soul. Song can be found below or on all digital networks, just search up “Allen Odell”. He has a couple of other recent songs up as well and also on his bandcamp page.

Allen Odell - Are You Okay? (New Song)
By Brandon J. in News | 2 Comments
Great find. I’m getting bits of Damien Jurado, Dave Bazan and William Fitzsimmons. Really good stuff.
Love it. Childlikeness was one of my favorite records of 2020 and this upcoming record is gonna knock people’s socks off.