Carly Ann Taylor

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I’m excited to bring you a very special interview with an independent Christian singer/songwriter on the rise. Her name is Carly Ann Taylor and I believe once you read this honest, vulnerable, and ultimately, uplifting interview with her, you’ll become an instant fan. Give it a read and make sure to find her music on your favorite digital network.

An Interview With Carly Ann Taylor for Indie Vision Music
Written by: Brandon Jones

BrandonIVM: Tell me a li le bit about yourself like where you’re from, your family dynamics, and how
you first got into music.

My name is Carly Ann Taylor and I am from San Diego, California. I was born on the Big Island of Hawai’i,
but was adopted by my brother and his wife at 15 years old. My biological parents struggled with drug
addiction, as did my older sister. The instability that came with the drug abuse made my life very a
chao c place. I was taken away by Child Protective Services when I was 7 years old and lived in complete
dysfunction until I was brought out of that by my new family.

I have been singing since I was a little girl. In fact, I had my first performance when I was 4 years old
singing “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”. I sang in my biological father’s blues band throughout my
childhood. My grandfather, Larry “The Mole” Taylor, was the original bassist from the band called
Canned Heat. They were in the original line up of Woodstock in 1969. My grandfather was also a session
bassist for The Monkeys, Jerry Lee Lewis, and many others. Larry’s brother, my great-uncle, Mel Taylor,
was the drummer for The Ventures, who basically created Surf Rock!

Music has always been a big deal in my family line with very big shoes to fill. Growing up, music was
always first before anything else and that created a very toxic environment. There was a time in my life
where I refused to pursue music because it became a nuisance. I was only treated kindly by my biological
parents when they wanted me to sing and entertain their friends at parties. I was not raised in the church
or had any association with church or religion of any kind. I was also never exposed to Christian music
growing up. It was always blues, jazz, R&B, and funk. Guitar Slim, Etta James, Stevie Ray Vaughan,
Muddy Waters, and many more were an influence before I began searching on my own. Naturally, as I
became older, I steered towards artists like Tori Kelly, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, and Sam
Smith for all of the soulfulness it had to offer.

My freshmen year of high-school, my life started going downhill. I was hanging with the wrong crowd,
getting into partying, ditching class, and my grades were tanking. I hit rock bottom. I contemplated
suicide many times and lived miserably. My housing conditions were just as bad. I moved schools every
single year of my life all around the island and never had any stability. The last place I lived was a broken
down shack outside of my biological mother’s house. Whenever it rained, I got poured on, and there was
no lock to my door, which in fact did not fit to the door frame. I was exposed to the elements and to
danger. I had been living in disgusting conditions and had no idea it was not normal.

The summer after my freshman year of high school, in 2017, I got a random call from an older brother
who I didn’t grow up with. I didn’t even have his number saved as a contact. We share only a biological
father and are 16 years apart in age so naturally we were in different stages of life and never really
connected much. That day he called me saying, “Hey Carly! It’s your brother Randy. You’ve been on my
heart and I want you to come to California to visit.” Little did I know that conversation would be the
beginning of my life completely changing forever. Randy flew me out to California almost immediately.
They had a room and a clean bed for me in a house I thought, at the time, was a mansion. I felt like I was
in a movie!

As me had gone on during that trip, I began telling Randy and his wife little pieces of things that were
happening to me back in Hawai’i. I told them why my clothes smelled like mold and how I had never had
a room and bed all to myself, along with other things that I now know made for dangerous living
conditions. My life was in danger and I didn’t even realize it. I begged them to stay, and they knew they
couldn’t send me back.

That was the trip that changed my life forever because they ended up taking me in as their own child,
bringing me to church and I immediately accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Randy and his wife are
now who I confidently and joyfully call MY MOM AND MY DAD! Throughout the years of lots of
heartache, trials, healing, and recovery, I have been restored and have seen the Lord redeem my story!
Immediately after accepting Jesus in 2017, I knew I was created solely to use my voice for Him! To lead
others into a meaningful and deep relationship with the Father.

On top of all the blessings I’ve already received from the Lord, I got a scholarship and graduated from
college in May 2024 with a degree in Commercial Music Production, with an emphasis in Vocal
Performance. I released my first single called “Saved My Soul” in 2023 and have been on an amazing
journey as a Worship Artist. I believe God wants me to share my story with others through song and I
know He allowed me to go through all these things for a reason. I have only just scratched the surface of
what God is going to do in my life.

BrandonIVM: You recently released a really cool new single “Why Should I Worry” with an important
message. What are you trying to convey with this song? What do you want people to take away from
it after listening? How did you write and record this new song?

I wrote “Why Should I Worry” out of fear for my future. Right after I graduated college, I went into a
panic and depression because I was so unsure what God had planned for my life. I was so adamant about
knowing what my next step was. I felt like I needed full control over my future and I didn’t have that, and
it drove me crazy. Throughout that time of battling with God, my (new) mom gave me an encouraging
word. She told me to take things one day at a me. “Today, pick yourself up by the bootstraps and trust
in God’s timing.” She reminded me, “hasn’t God done exceedingly more than you would’ve imagined?”
My testimony was more than enough to tell of His faithfulness and how much I need to trust in Him with
my future. She then steered me towards Ma hew 6:25-34. This portion of scripture and my testimony
combined is what inspired the song “Why Should I Worry”. The title itself is exactly what I want people to
take away from this song. I only say it once in the entire song, but it’s what hits the hardest for me. Why
should I worry? He takes good care of me even when I can’t see it.

When I graduated college, my (new) parents gifted me the production of a song with Dave Cook, a.k.a.
Splash Of Soda. I had the privilege of co-writing “Why Should I Worry” with Dave along with my (new)
dad, all from an idea I had had at my home piano. It had been a dream of mine to work with Dave since
my Junior year of high school, and he did a phenomenal job with the production of the song.

BrandonIVM: You released your debut EP “Changing My Story” back in April of last year. How has the
reception been so far to that first release? What are some of the favorite songs people are connecting
with the most? There are a lot of great songs on the debut like (some of my faves) “Saved My Soul”,
“Your Beauty”, “Runnin’ (The Assignment)”, and the final track on the release, “Here I Am” with the
band Hopeful. who you share a close connection with. What are some of your favorite songs on the EP
and what the writing experience like on that project?

BrandonIVM: Tell me a little bit about your connection with the band Hopeful. How has their music
become a part of your journey?

My EP Changing My Story is my testimony in full. I wrote all of the songs on my own and I am so proud of
it. There was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears poured into this project. My (new) mom was the studio
engineer for the entire EP and even produced a couple songs with me.

The reception of this release has been so sweet. I am not a huge artist, but I have I gotten so much love
and support on my first project. Hearing testimonies from people listening to my songs has brought such
joy. If God allowed me to go through all the pain so through my testimony he could reach people, then I’d
do it all over again. Many of the songs on the ‘Changing My Story’ EP have been especially impactful for
my family. I really do feel like the process of this project has been healing for me and my family in many
different ways. I’ve found that “Drift Away”, “Sunrise”, and “Your Beauty” have been the ones that have
connected with people the most. “Drift Away” has been especially impactful one for my family, because I
wrote it for them at a me we experienced a very painful loss. It was a very devastating season and I was
heartbroken to see everyone process the death of a loved one. I felt it really heavy on my heart to write a
song of encouragement. It was a raw and vulnerable time for us, and that’s exactly what I wanted the
writing, the vocals, and the production of this song to reflect. The vocals were recorded in one take.
My entire EP means so much to me. The songs are in the order of seasons from the past 8 years of my
life. “Saved My Soul” tells the story of my initial salvation and the phone call that led to my entire life
being changed. “Your Beauty” is the processing stage of me choosing to see the beauty in all that I had
been through, even the bad. “Sunrise” came out of a really tough season of trying to find my identity and
choosing to leave the lies I was told my whole life behind me. “Drift Away” was a tribute to the passing of
a loved one but also knowing a little piece died inside of my family. I never want anyone to think they
have to always “be okay”. It’s important to process and mourn the pain and heartache, knowing that the
Lord will not let you drift away. “Runnin’ (The Assignment)” is a declaration that I am ALL IN for what the
Lord has planned. I am running to the assignment He has called me to, even though I may not know all
that is entails. Lastly, “Here I Am” features Hopeful. the band. This is a very special collab because Randy,
the lead singer of the band, happens to be the brother who took me in and is now who I call my dad!!!
The whole EP is a full-circle story. Starting with the phone call, and ending with Randy and I singing
together, laying ourselves down at the feet of Jesus. I guess you can say Hopeful. is a very important part
of my music journey. I had the privilege of being featured on their song “Wild One.” You should check it

BrandonIVM: What has your journey been like in the realm of music, specifically Chris an music? Do
you prefer being called a “Pop Singer”, a “Christian Singer”, a “Worship Artist”, or do the 3 intertwine
with one another with how you’re perceived?

I feel like I am just at the beginning of my journey and have so much to experience. I consider myself a
worship artist which can mean many different things in my mind. The word “worship” means to bring
adoration to the Lord and I believe that can be across many genres. A big reason why my EP “Changing
My Story” displays many different styles (CCM, Pop, Cinema c, Soul, and Throne Room/Congregational
Worship) is because I feel that the title “Worship Artist” should be broadened. I dream to be involved in
many different styles and to let it all be worship.

BrandonIVM: What are 3 of your biggest musical influences that impact the work you do as an artist?
What new albums or songs have you been enjoying the most lately?

Some of my biggest musical influences currently are Tiffany Hudson, Phil Wickham, and Forrest Frank.
Phil Wickham’s “Hometown” album is on daily repeat along with Forrest’s “Child Of God” album. Tiffany
Hudson’s album “Hidden Here” has had such an impact on my soul and healing of my heart, which
definitely translates into how I write. I also cannot go without mentioning Hulvey. I love how he brings
worship into the genre. His set at Alive Fest in July of 2024 was one of the most Holy Spirit filled moments
I have experienced.

BrandonIVM: How has your Faith been impacted by the music you create and vice versa? What
important story and testimony do you most want to share with your audience?

All of my songs route from a very personal moment with Jesus. Sometimes my faith is weak and I draw
near to Him and a beau ful song comes out. Sometimes my faith is the strongest it’s ever been, and a
beau ful song comes out. My faith is definitely strengthened in those places where He meets me in my
hiding place. I believe as worship leaders, and artists, we must lead from the overflow.

BrandonIVM: Do you have some favorite Bible verses and how do those connect the audience to your

A verse that has always been an anchor for me through difficult seasons is Romans 8:18 “For I consider
the sufferings of this present me are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in

And a verse that has been really speaking to me as of late is Ephesians 3:20 which says, “Now to Him
who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that
works in us…”

I think these two verses really go hand in hand. All the suffering I went through before knowing Christ
had to be for a reason. It may take me an eternity to put all the pieces together, but what I do know is
that all of it was for His glory. My life going forward will con nue to be for His glory. He is able to do
exceedingly and abundantly more than any suffering that I go through and it is all for His glory.

BrandonIVM: What are your favorite aspects about living in Southern California? Do you feel the
sunny, warm, beach days, and laid back California attitudes play a part in how you create music? What
do you love or dislike the most about living here?

I absolutely love everything about living in California. The weather is my favorite part because it’s
(almost) always 70 degrees and sunny! We enjoy beach walks year-round, and are never more than 5
minutes away from an amazing California Burrito. I live in the suburbs of San Diego which is still fairly
close to the city. I have the best of both worlds! I still live at home with my family: my parents, my two
little brothers, my little sister who is my roommate and best friend, and my English Cream Golden
Retriever, Hurley. What more could I ask for?

Southern California is such an amazing place, and we are surrounded by good music. I do think that the
environment definitely makes it easier to create. When ‘Your Beauty’ was first released, we would blast it
as we drove down Coast Highway during some of the most beautiful sunsets. “I see Your Beauty
everywhere….” There is no way we can’t worship our Creator when seeing such beauty before our very

BrandonIVM: Tell me about your upcoming recordings. Are you releasing more singles, another EP, or
a full length? Any label interest in your music or are you going to stay an independent artist?

I had the privilege of being featured, along with Lloyd Nicks, on a version of “Holy Forever” with The
Church Will Sing that came out on January 30th. I got to work with Andrew Bergthold (We The Kingdom)
on this song, and the whole experience was another dream come true for me (remember, “exceedingly,
abundantly above…”!!!!). I am currently writing a ton, and hope to have some new stuff come out soon!
I am also being featured on a track by Steven Malcolm, but don’t have a release date for that one yet. I
am super excited about this feature because it is something completely different from anything I have
ever worked on, but always dreamed of doing!

It’s definitely the dream to be signed by a label! We’ll just have to wait and see what happens!

BrandonIVM: What have some of your concerts been like? Are people pretty receptive to your songs?
Do you have any future plans for more shows and concerts and where do you most want to play that
you haven’t yet?

People have been extremely receptive at the shows. I am a worship leader on staff at my local church,
and worship is where my heart is. Whenever I do a show, I try my absolute best to have moments to
engage the audience in worship as much as I can. I love hearing people glorifying God while singing
along to my songs.

I don’t have any plans for shows as of now, but I am set out to lead worship in conferences and worship
nights throughout Southern California in the next few months. A big dream of mine is to lead people in
worship at the Phil Wickham and Brandon Lake’s Summer Worship Nights.

BrandonIVM: Any chance that you’ll guest on the next Hopeful. album? A future Hopeful./Carly Ann
Taylor tour?

A Hopeful./Carly Ann Taylor tour would be CRAZY!! I am featured on “Wild One,” which is part of
Hopeful.’s new project. The song came out in October of 2024, and we have been getting a ton of love for
it!! I am always up for being on one of their tracks, and we never know what the future may hold. For
now, they have some amazing new tracks coming up soon, and I can’t wait for everyone to hear them. I
have the privilege of hearing the new songs at home before they are released, and I am blown away with
each new release.

BrandonIVM: That about wraps up this interview. Are there any last words of advice you could offer
our readers and what most do you want people to know about Carly Ann Taylor that hasn’t been said
yet? If you haven any prayer requests, let us know how we can best support you on your journey.

Just Jesus. At the end of the day it’s just Jesus. At the start of the day let it be just Jesus! Everything you
do, do it for His glory!

I really want to thank you, Brandon, for all of your support since the very beginning of my journey. I am
amazed at the people the Lord has placed in my life and path, and you have been a huge supporter since
day one. Also, thank you to everyone that has been suppor ng me and coming alongside me during this
exci ng me. It really means so much to me, and I can’t wait to share more about what the Lord is doing
in my life and music journey with you all!! If this is the first you have ever heard of me, welcome and
buckle up! We have some amazing things coming our way!

I would love prayers that the Lord will con nue to reach people through my music, and that lives and
hearts will be changed for His glory.

Find Carly Ann Taylor on the Web and Social Media:

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