Cultist "Slow Suicide" Out Now!

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The band CULTIST just released their Facedown Records debut album titled “Slow Suicide” and it’s literally blowing speakers to pieces across the world as we speak. The band is heading out on some dates with Convictions and Confessions of a Traitor pretty soon. Check out the tour flyer below. Make sure to crank the volume up loud like Marty in Back to The Future 1 and that huge amp scene at the beginning, then prepare to stand back. Obliteration of speaker material will commence. What is your favorite song on “Slow Suicide”?

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Phil metalhed
August 1, 2023 4:54 am

Gud lineup. Im gona try 2 find out da meanin behind da “cultist” name+ y da album was delayd so long. Also, im prety sure thers otha bands wit da name “cultist”. 😅😜🤓🤡😱

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