According to the Demon Hunter facebook page, they have dropped two new cover songs but are only available through their Blessed Resistance Club. I am not a member so I can’t vouch for how these sound but if their prior music is any indication, these 2 covers are going to melt my face off, literally (and no pun intended). Demon Hunter cover the classic Face to Face punk rock anthem, “Disconnected”, as well as the hit 90’s alt rock song “Lightning Crashes” from the now classic 1994 rock album “Throwing Copper” by one of my favorite bands, LIVE. I am looking forward to hearing these for myself soon. If you’ve heard them and the acoustic version of “The Heart Of a Graveyard”, sound off below.

Demon Hunter Drop New Cover Songs of Face To Face and LIVE
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment
Intrestin. Makes me think thers a “covas” album comin soon. And ther beta b a sepultura song on it, like wen they playd in brasil.