If you spot any good deals on music (the kind we would cover here) this weekend, please post them in the comments!

(Digital) Music Black Friday Deals?
By fusse in News | 11 Comments
By fusse in News | 11 Comments
If you spot any good deals on music (the kind we would cover here) this weekend, please post them in the comments!
Facedown has 50% off on all CD’s and 25% off other merch.
Beat me to it by ~minute.
Haha, just saw that. Very close 🙂
I removed yours, no need for duplicates in this one 🙂
Yeah I picked up War of Age’s Pride of the Wicked and a few others on vinyl. Comes out to about $11 each. Pretty good deal. Too bad it doesn’t apply to preorders.
Solid State has digital downloads for $4 as well 🙂
All digital downloads on the T&N merch site are $4ea http://toothandnailrecords.merchnow.com/
Price ain’t bad… but shouldn’t be more for 160kbps mp3s….
Amazon has quite a few quality digital Christian releases for $5 each
I’m sure there could be others in other genres if anyone cares to start digging and inform all of us 😀
The Choir ( http://thechoir.net ) has 50% off with code “HOLIDAY50” for anyone who (like me) has been holding out on the Circleslide vinyl due to the high price.
Blood and Ink just announced theirs. 25% off anything it looks like with code: friday16