Electro-pop-punk band, Eleventyseven, are releasing their first new full length in almost 7 years and it will be titled….wait for it….RAD SCIENCE! Get ready for an absolute ear hole explosion of pure joy and unrelenting melodies sure to make a fan out of out anyone including even the grumpiest of family members. The group have launched their new kickstarter campaign to fund the release of this RAD album right here. So jump on the chance to contribute to this outrageously cool, out of this world RAD campaign and let’s get Eleventyseven music back in people’s hearts! I am putting my IVM stamp of approval on this campaign and so should you.

Eleventyseven to Release a RAD Album in November, Kickstarter Campaign Now Launched
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment
Pledged. In the past 5 years, I have likely listened to this band more than any other. They have brought me many hours of joy.