If you didn’t catch the firestorm of controversy yesterday regarding the new album cover by Emery for their new release “EVE” then you might just have been living under a rock. A lot of various opinions were unleashed as well angry remarks, resentment, confusion, and a whole bunch of feuding people over just what the “artistic” intention is. Regardless of the direction they are taking their band from here on out, you can hear their two newest songs below and debate what you think musically of their latest tunes. I hear a slight Weezer influence, how about you? If you would like to see the album cover in question click on the Emery facebook / instagram pages.

Emery Return With New Album and Songs, Drop Controversial New Album Cover
By Brandon J. in Music Videos, News | 17 Comments
Album cover is too try hard imo.
I’ll wait to hear the new songs for when the new album is out. I always enjoy Emery’s music, so I’m sure I’ll like it. As for the album cover, I have to admit when I saw it I rolled my eyes. They wanted to ruffle some feathers and got their wish. Unfortunately, they’re a few years too late for Christian bookstore banning, so they missed the boat in adding that to their milestones.
Again, I love Emery, and I wasn’t offended by it, but it’s clear what they were going for when they put it out there.
This is the best album from them for years. Honestly don’t know what the problem is with the cover.
By the way, I backed the album through Indiegogo, that’s why I have heard it – they sent it to us early last week. I’m honestly surprised at just how good this is.
POSTSCRIPT PUT IN THE FRONT: This comment came out more hater-y than I intended, but I’m just going to go with it. Never been able to get into their music…I think maybe the vocals bore me…or the music. I don’t know. I remember back when I hosted the local college Christian rock show, Tooth & Nail sent us their debut, and I just wasn’t feeling it to the point that I never played it during my tenure…I feel the same with these two songs. Just really unremarkable to me. Considering the decent sized fanbase they corraled, I think it’s just… Read more »
“I think maybe the vocals bore me”
The funny thing about Toby to me is that, when he sings, he sounds like some classy, emo, British chap. But when he talks on the podcast, he swears and has a southern drawl, lol.
I’m an Emery fan and was not offended by it. It does seem like attention grab moment though. Looking forward to the album!
I’m not even mad about the nudity. The disrespect for the rosary pisses me off, but that’s per course I guess.
Anyone can easily give a reaction on why they think the cover is controversial, or a knee-jerk comment why they think that the band is trying super hard to alienate their conservative base. But I really think most commentators on this topic should at least listen to the latest episode of the podcast where they explain their reasons for choosing the art, the interpretations and themes they see in it, and how they hope it will connect with listeners. Then, if you still want to be upset about it, by all means. You’ll have a new Wolves at the Gate… Read more »
Album is on kingdom leaks
Definitely not upset over here. Couldnt care less honestly. They put it out to the public square and a lot of us are giving it the menial response things warrant in our fast moving internet age. In 6 months, their album cover will be all but fogotten.
I’m sure they have an artistic reason for it, and I’d never take that away from them. Likewise, I’m not a fan of when Christian bands drop an f-bomb in their lyrics, but it’s their choice to do so. I’d never advocate censorship for these bands. I defended POD over their album cover for Payable On Death way back in the day on Christian forums, and believe me, people were more uptight about this stuff then than they are now. That said, I’d ask if this is the only way to express their message? I’m not a fan of shocking… Read more »
Why did this comment get thumbs down?! Seems pretty diplomatic to me.
While I didn’t thumbs down it (I can only think of one time I’ve thumbs downed anything on here), I believe the bit that bothered someone is the “new Wolves at the Gate album soon to keep you pacified” zinger at the end. I haven’t listened to Wolves at the Gate, but a cursory wikipedia look makes me think perhaps they are appearing to be more wholesome/outwardly Christian? So maybe that last line seems like a dig at folks who “can’t handle Emory’s edginess.” It seems a patronizing contrast to the more ecumenical statements in the first two sentences.
Since I brought up his comment about WatG, I’ll clarify that I didn’t give shippety-do a thumbs down. I disagree with him, but I don’t give people thumbs down unless it’s outright trolling or hateful comments (which I haven’t seen on here). It’s a discussion, and I think it’s counterintuitive to thumb someone down just because you don’t see eye to eye.
Well put.
Never heard them before. Quite boring.