That’s right, after My Epic finishes up some dates with As Cities Burn they will then head out with Silent Planet, Comrades, and Tigerwine on tour. Check out dates below. Anyone going to catch a date of this?

My Epic to Join Silent Planet, Comrades, Tigerwine
By Brandon J. in News | 5 Comments
Man, only 1 Texas city on this tour….. Road trip!
Still no Australia dates? Bummed.
(tongue firmly in cheek… but a man can wish)
As cities burn my epic and tigerwine in atl on the way to audiofeed
Stil no cali dates? Lame. And y is sp hedlinin?
SP been gaining a lot of traction in the metal scene over the past couple years, even winning AP’s “Best Underground Artist” award. I think of this both as their way of giving back to the other bands (who are lesser known outside the Christian scene) and just a fun tour between some friends.