Check out the insane new music video from metal pioneers, Final Surrender, below. The single “Fallen Identities” is now available worldwide through all digital networks and streaming sites via Rottweiler Records. Who is with me on proclaiming this to be a most excellent heavy metal song?

Final Surrender - Fallen Identities (Official Music Video)
By Brandon J. in Music Videos, News | 4 Comments
Wile nietha “insane” or “pioneers”, i do apreciate yur enthusiasm of this great band, brandog, lol.
Love this.
That was like an insane hurricane of heavy metal awesomeness! It’s not really the style of music I listen to much, but I can appreciate the talent, and had my attention throughout. Nice find
That was surprising! I’d heard them a few years back but either wasn’t listening, wasn’t in the mood or this is just better. I’ll have to keep an ear on the rest of this.