Album Review :
Final Surrender - Nothing But Void

By in News, Reviews | 8 Comments

Release date: January 13, 2017
Record label: Rottweiler Records
“Nothing But Void”
“Walls of Silence”
“Failing Structures”
“Altruistic Veneer”
“Tear Down the walls”

How common is metal in Asia? Does anyone know? The genre of metal is a rare one to say the least, especially over in Asia. Final Surrender is one of the pioneers of the genre there. The Progressive metalcore act has been working hard on this album. Their debut album, Empty Graves, was released 4 years ago.

The album begins with the single “Nothing But Void”. The track brings elements of techno music, Progressive metalcore, and thrash metal. There is plenty of work going on with the drums and percussion. The track is a masterpiece of Progressive metal and metalcore.

“Inescapable” is the next song on this album. The song brings the breakdowns and headbanging sickness to say the least. The progression really shines through on this track, with slow melodic parts that sounds a lot like Tourniquet (“Phantom Limb” but not as Jazzy) and many Melodic Metalcore bands. The breakdown comes after the melodic pause and shows a side of the band that incorporates Deathcore.

“Walls of Silence” is a very face paced song, which sounds like August Burns Red with very Progressive parts. Very heavy, very fast. The song even seems to incorporate Southern Metal sounding guitars. Really enjoy it when bands do that.

“Exasperate” has some clean vocals. The track brings August Burns Red back to mind, with the melodic guitars, progressive drumming, and just the overall awe-inspiring sound of both bands. The cleans don’t clash the greatest where they come in, but they don’t make the track any less great.

“Failing Structures” brings the progressive metalcore to a brand new light. It almost sounds like they got a guest vocalist to feature in it at the beginning, because it doesn’t sound like Vocalist Joseph Samuel. The song features more Cleans, but who performs them is still unknown to me. ‘Picking up the pieces, that have come undone, My structure’s laid foundation, now found.’

“Altruistic Veneers” definitely shows the ABR sound more boldly than previously, but also a little bit of Dillinger Escape Plan. Metalcore is prominent in this song, though the Prog doesn’t really show as much.

“Tear Down the Walls” is the final song on the album. It is very industrial sounding. Like literally. In the beginning, there is no metal. The song almost sounded like a remix, until the non-muffled screaming came in. There are still record scratches in the background though, so progressive still applies here. Really weird song that reminds me of Deliverance. The post-thrash era of Deliverance.

Overall, the album is fantastic. If you like every song to sound different than the first, go purchase this. The album ventures into Progressive areas, I’ve never heard. Most specifically “Tear Down the Walls”. Weird song, but enjoyable.

Sounds Like: August Burns Red, Deliverance, The Dillinger Escape Plan

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Yorik Bruhl
January 15, 2017 10:19 pm

Number one, this is pretty rad. I wanna buy it. Who knows the best method so that the bands get’s the most money. Cuz I know iTunes only gives them like 10% or something useless. Second, Asia is a big place. Do you know where specifically? Anyway, stoked!

Chris S
Chris S
January 16, 2017 5:34 am
Reply to  Yorik Bruhl

I seem to recall Mason writing in another news item that they’re from Indonesia.

I’ve heard and read that the best way to purchase music where bands get the most funds are (in descending order, most $$ to band being 1st):
Buy in person
iTunes / Google Music
Illegal download = really uncool – support artists & bands you enjoy!

Not sure about other platforms though sorry.

Mark K
Mark K
January 17, 2017 2:45 pm

Sounds pretty good. Very similar in their unique progressive style to the band Critical Bride. Not as melodic as CB but has a progressive, European flare (maybe I should say nonAmerican style).

Mark K
Mark K
January 17, 2017 3:15 pm
Reply to  Mark K

Scrap that. This is definitely more metallic.

January 17, 2017 5:52 am

Another awesome Indian metal band:

Ty DeLong
January 16, 2017 1:09 pm

This is awesome. I was curious, so I did some research on Bangalore, the band’s hometown. Only about 6% of people there claim Christianity. Talk about going against the grain culturally.

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