By in Articles, News | 2 Comments

Trying something new and testing a feature out. I have begun an IVM SMS Text List through a company called Simple Texting (via WordPress). Right now you can text the word INDIE to (855) 737-1974 and you’ll be able to join the list. I’ll try to keep it short and simple. Mostly news about IVM site activities and maybe some band news from time to time. Basically, news items we want to push out into the world and onto your screens. This is a trial run so I’ll see how it goes. Your information will never be sold and will never be shared with anyone, ever. This is for my (Brandon Jones) eyes only and I am the only one with access. Let me know what you think and if you’re into this sort of thing. Also, for anyone paying close attention, I cleaned up the site and menus a bit. Some old items needed to be archived and other corrections have been made as well. Thank you everyone!

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Noah H.
January 27, 2022 12:52 pm

Since we’re on the topic I still think we need to add a section for the song of the day posts.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x