It was revealed late last year that Craig’s Brother founding member and lead vocalist – Ted Bond, had indeed gotten a diagnosis of Lymphoma. A friend of Ted’s and the family has put together a special GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to help offset the costs associated with the coming medical bills associated with treatment and healing. Since I understand first hand the exorbitant costs from medical bills and deductibles to be met, I know it isn’t easy for many families to pay outright for them on a meager income. Since Ted has contributed so much to the punk rock community in the past 30 years, the least we can do is help send a few bucks his way. The Early Demos, Homecoming, Lost At Sea, EPidemic, The Insidious Lie, The Devils In The Details, Self Titled, and the critically acclaimed full length – “Easily Won, Rarely Deserved”, are all prime examples of some of the best punk rock contributions this scene has had over the past several decades. Click this link for the GoFundMe, or search “Ted Bond” on the site.

GoFundMe to Benefit Ted Bond (Craig's Brother) and Family
By Brandon J. in News | No Comments
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