Happy July 4th and 17 Years Of IVM!

By in News | 3 Comments

17 years ago I launched this website, mostly to crickets and little notice. I still remember launch year with the ad sponsorships, a few show sponsorships around Orange County/So Cal, and the online store that this website was based on. Yeah, in year 2000 IVM was just an online independent Christian Music Webstore with a focus on indie releases from a collection of artists/record labels across the globe. It was a meager, hobby based operation run all by myself from a room in my home. I did all the (embarrassing) website creation, order fulfillment, purchasing, etc in my off hours from the real job that paid the bills (real job still pays the bills). I had big hopes back in those days and even spun off a “Record Label” in 2003 that lasted a year or so. The webzine launched in February of 2005 and has been running steadily ever since minus a few hiccups like the premature closing of IVM site in 2015 (oops!). Through all the trial and error, the ups and downs of the industry, and my own personal struggles, I have been able to fall back on this little website and keep it running. I love IVM, the community aspect of this website, the friends I’ve met along the way, all the bands I’ve developed relationships with, and the many who have come & gone. The passion for running this site is still vivid in my mind and I try my hardest to do the right thing with promoting independent talent from Faith based artists. To share that passion through the music I love and expose others to the hope found in Christ. That has always been my mission and although there is no “secret agenda”, I do seek to see others find that transforming love through a relationship in Christ. So this July 4th, pull back a chair pop a drink eat some good BBQ and celebrate not only our United States of America but also 17 years of Indie Vision Music! Thanks to all of you who have made this such a rewarding experience over the years and thanks for the good times. #IndieVisionMusic17th

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Luc Aube
Luc Aube
July 4, 2017 12:28 pm

Happy 4h bro. I am thankful for IVM. A good amount of the music I listen to these days comes from this site.

Chris S
Chris S
July 4, 2017 6:30 pm

Happy birthday IVM. I’m very appreciative of all the work you do, Brandon. I’ve been exposed to countless underground / indie artists and bands that I would never have heard of otherwise. I used to frequent Absolutepunk back in the day (2005/6/7) and used to think, “Man, how cool would it be to have the same thing, but for Christian bands and artists?” IVM was – and still is – my go-to site. And BTW: I really resonate (and respect) this mission statement. “To share that passion through the music I love and expose others to the hope found in… Read more »

Tim M
Tim M
July 6, 2017 3:55 am

A few days late but Happy Birthday IVM! I’ve discovered lots of bands over the years through your website Brandon – thanks for all you do.

How’s the web traffic since the relaunch? Are people still visiting?

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