In case you were living under a rock or don’t have cable TV/Internet coverage, a terrible tragedy has struck our fellow brothers and sisters in the state of Texas. Instead of posting the typical news story or giving links on where to buy your new favorite albums I figured it was much more appropriate to offer a few links on how to help those in need. You can go to this news site here with a link of charities/organizations that are assisting those on the front lines or you can just click the links below this message to directly donate. Prayer warriors let’s unite but let’s not just end it there, please consider donating to a charitable organization that will directly assist those in urgent need of care. It was heartbreaking what happened with Katrina back in 2005 and I certainly pray that this isn’t a repeat of that same disaster. To all of our Texan friends, our hearts and prayers are with you!
Text HARVEY to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross
Red Cross Hurricane Harvey Support