20 years ago I launched a site called IndieVisionMusic.com. It was initially an online Webstore only but then morphed into a record label then webzine then label and now all 3. It wasn’t a huge behemoth by any means (never was). I still run almost all operations myself in my free time when I’m not working or spending quality family time. I have a great team of skilled writers on the webzine side that work so hard to keep you all updated and filled with inspiring content. I had several writing projects to put up this weekend on the site but to be honest, it’s a lot of work and I struggled with some of it. I have about a 15 page little “history” paper I have written and will decide what to do with it soon. I will post things starting this week and on into the weeks ahead. July 4th is not only a day to honor our independence but also a day that began my personal independence and freedom through quality independent music from Christians. So I guess you could say there is independence through the hope and peace found in a relationship with God. Through Jesus we have been redeemed in his blood to live out our lives in eternal freedom. Happy 4th of July everyone and Happy 20th Birthday Indie Vision Music! Stay tuned to the site in the coming days for some new content. Thank you all for supporting everything I’ve done and attempted to do the past 20 years. This has never been an easy ride but it’s a hobby that I would have a hard time living without. Music for life! -Brandon Jones/IVM

Indie Vision Music Turns 20
By Brandon J. in Articles, News | 2 Comments
Amen brandog!! Lets do anotha 20!!