I am stealing this idea from the whole Gamestop / AMC Theaters / Silver concept being run through Wall Street by savvy investors and reddit users. In this case we have created a special Spotify Playlist to increase exposure for some great independent talent. The goal is to get these songs to 100,000 plays to support great bands. It’s a hefty goal but I think with enough attention we can get it done. These plays will not only help independent bands who own their music but also independent labels who rely on streams and purchases across digital networks (yes, including Indie Vision Music). Let’s blast the heck out of these songs for the next week. I would like to see the following play list featuring 25 new and recent songs played at least 10 or more times by each of you through this week. Spread this post all over the internet, all over social media, to friends, family, and even the bands themselves. If this spreads like wild, we could be looking at a tremendous accomplishment for independent media. Click here for the Playlist or look below this post to see it for yourselves. Just go on Spotify under each song/album and scroll to the bottom to see the label/band responsible for the album on Spotify. You can see who has posted it for streaming purposes. Thanks everyone! I’ll try to keep this is current and updated weekly with new playlists so make sure you follow our profile on Spotify.

Indie Vision Music x Spotify Blast To Support Independent Bands and Labels
By Brandon J. in Articles, News | 8 Comments
Can we give some love to Empty Atlas? Their latest album was fantastic.
FYI – I still can’t reply to comments on here.
Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on with commenting but let me look into it. It works on my WordPress app but I can’t reply anywhere else. I have a total of 5 playlists that are being worked on. 1 is done as you can see. I’m always open to suggestions and I will add empty atlas to a future one. Stay tuned.
It wasn’t working for me before but it seems to be fixed now.
Next up, an Indie Vision Music Discord server! That’s my hope, at least.
Haha, that would be crazy
You ask and you shall receive. IVM Discord Community has been created: https://discord.com/invite/gnzeXTxSwN
Great idea, we’ve seen the power of online groups when they’re focused, I’m down to use it for good! I’m down to play these a bunch, the playlist is a nice size, every artist should get some good attention!
I already love the song “Awaken Me” by Spoken so no problem there, same with Nate’s “Mind Monopoly”. Haven’t listened to the Fallstar song, but their other new song really hooked me. Fireflight is always good. That new Relent song was great. I’m excited to dig into the rest!
Thank you friend 😊 I plan to keep promoting this till the end of the month. Next week will be Part 2 and then the following week will be Part 3. I should have a Part 4 to finish out the month. I’ve finished 3 playlists and but have room for the 4th one so if any one has some ideas, shoot them at me.