Indie Vision Music x Tooth and Nail Records - I'm Your Biggest Fan 2 (21 Years Ago)

By in Music Videos, News | 3 Comments

A word document popped up in my Dropbox while I was searching for old files. It showed that the tentative line up for the “I’m Your Biggest Fan 2” compilation that I assembled for Tooth & Nail Records on March 11th 2002, 21 years ago. A couple bands had to be swapped for a couple reasons but the final lineup is pretty close to what I had planned out. I have created a little collage video with a couple song samples from the compilation through YouTube which you can view below. It was a fun time and a great experience. Those days will never be forgotten. Read the little write up on this compilation over on youtube here. *Some of those ads and flyers are just various items from Indie Vision Music past and a few newer ones. This July is the 23rd anniversary of Indie Vision Music. A dotcom website that has lasted 23 years. It’s not Amazon or Ebay but it serves up some tasty indie Christian music news and obscure throwbacks.

    Original March 2002 *Tentative* I’m Your Biggest Fan Vol. 2 Lineup:


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Silent Music
March 23, 2023 9:05 pm

Man, that Buddy Ruckus song hits me in the feels. </3

April 1, 2023 2:10 pm

This compilation got me into Tooth and Nail! So many amazing tracks! A little band called Anberlin was on this if I remember correctly. Great work Brandon!

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