IVM 21: No Lost Cause - Take 2 (Full Album Stream)

By in News, Streams | 1 Comment

In honor of our country’s independence and a day of mass country-wide celebrations, I thought it would be appropriate to share a very special new album that Thumper Punk Records is releasing next week by the ska-punk project, NO LOST CAUSE. It is special in that very few “Christian” bands are even playing this style of music and even fewer can play it as good as this sounds. “Take 2” is a full length record comprised of new and old songs from the NLC catalog all reworked/remixed and with added horn sections to make these songs sound so much more incredible than they did in the past. There are special guests as well as a cover of “Africa” and one of “Way Maker”. Overall, you wont find another underground, spiritually driven ska-punk album in 2021 that is as good as this. Happy 21st Birthday to IVM and a very special Happy 4th of July to all my friends, acquaintances, readers, and fans of great music the world over. Let this day not only serve as a reminder to run from Tyranny (not to it), not just awesome food and fixins, but also a celebration of togetherness and bangin’ your head to the best music our music scene has to offer. There are a lot of choices out there and we are just thankful you took to the time to look up Indie Vision Music. Have a great day everyone and see you around soon!

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July 6, 2021 8:03 am

I was just checking out all the new releases coming this Friday and was disappointed that nothing tickled my fancy. After reading this post and listening to the song, it seems like my fancy will be tickled after all. Huzzah!

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