I am proud to bring you a very special free download from the one and only Nate Parrish, right here on Indie Vision Music. This is just in time for the Christmas season and while it isn’t technically a “Christmas” song, it does have a soft touch to the heart in the way only a true punk rawker could understand. Check out the song below or click link. Buy some Nate Parrish merch, go buy his 2 albums, add any of his songs to your favorite digital playlists, and stream the heck out of these songs till the end of time. Merry (Early) Christmas and I want to thank all of you reading this right now for supporting the dream that Indie Vision Music has become. 22 years, heading into our 23rd year and I couldn’t ask for a better opportunity or place to call home. Thank you, truly. Merry Christmas to you and all the families and friends that are connecting this season. God Bless!

IVM Presents: Nate Parrish "Jaded (Acoustic)" Free Download
By Brandon J. in News, Streams | No Comments
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