Jake Gallegos answers Thin Ice questions....

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Seven months ago Thin Ice had released some unreleased demos titled “Misery Noose” which were to be the follow up to their Blood & Ink release of “Revelation Through Tribulation”. A lot of our readers had questions such as a possible Thin Ice tour in support of the release and a possible release through a label . I recently received an e-mail from Jake (vocals) with the following info:

“I’m back in the states now completing my thesis. In my free time, I have started pre-producing new Thin Ice songs. They are reminiscent of “Revelation…” but with more aggression and rawness.

I haven’t been in touch with Daniel White of Blood & Ink. I don’t think it will be possible to release the new material with them, but we’ll have to see. I have no qualms with the label; the problem is just that I haven’t been able to reach them.”

I also just found out that Thin Ice played a set at Audiofeed on July 4th so shows appear to be happening. I have yet to confirm anymore with Jake. I recommend following them on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/thinicehc/

So there you have it! No tour planned as of yet. Label release 50/50. Best of all, new Thin Ice songs being produced for future release! If any of you have any other questions, please hit me up and I’ll post answers as soon as received. Christ bless you!

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July 20, 2019 6:13 pm

Missed a feed this year. Would’ve loved to see them

Phil metalhed
Phil metalhed
July 15, 2019 11:34 pm

Intrestin. Thanx 4 da folow up, marco!!

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