Legendary east coast punk/post-hardcore band JOEY’S LOSS that many had never heard much of outside of their home state of TN. and some small Indie Vision Music promotions, are potentially staging some sort of return. Just what this means is unclear at this point and I’m not going to speculate but I do have a special appreciation for their musical output two decades ago. 20 years of “Unwelcome Travelers and Other Brave Men” is next year and could this be something to celebrate in a live setting? Josh Tipton and the guys appear to be cookin’ something up as can be seen on his instagram account and the picture posted (the image used for this post). Click their Facebook link in this post to see some rehearsal footage. Let’s hope for more music and you’ll also get that debut Small Wars album in 2024 as well.

Joey's Loss Potential Return?
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment