Jon Foreman of Switchfoot to Host Live Stream on Race, Religion, and Reconciliation

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Jon Foreman, lead vocalist of the rock band Switchfoot, is hosting a live stream on YouTube tomorrow August 25th at 11 AM PST. Guests will include Sonny of P.O.D., rapper Propaganda, professors Larycia Hawkins and David Dark, and author John M. Perkins. You can subscribe to Switchfoot’s YouTube Channel for reminders and to find more videos from the band.

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August 24, 2017 7:32 pm

Interesting. Let’s pray for wisdom and truth to be spoken here.

August 30, 2017 2:14 am

As a Brit in the UK this looks great. Glad there’s being open dialogue. I look forward to listening soon.

Smacky X
Smacky X
August 24, 2017 8:55 pm

Larycia Hawkins!? She parted ways with Wheaton College over her belief that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Its troubling that she thinks that solidarity and/or reconciliation with Muslims involves a belief that undermines the gospel and the God of the Bible.

August 25, 2017 9:40 am
Reply to  Noah Hardwick

Yeah, if this is an “open dialogue” it must include a lot of differing worldviews. I trust Jon Foreman, but I also REALLY trust Propaganda if he’s speaking at this thing.

Smacky X
Smacky X
August 25, 2017 12:46 pm
Reply to  BenjiKunz

Open dialogue- fair enough. As a secular institution, UVA would have little concern for whether Hawkins perspective is faithful to the gospel. An institution like it would eat up the blanket message of “let’s all be united” but have no sense of the distinctiveness and offense of the cross to all other world views. I pray that the church will learn to live and serve Muslims like they’ve never seen before, but I think Hawkins confuses what that looks like and risks undermining the gospel. If we are all children of the same God, like she professes, then why would… Read more »

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