Klank Releases Powerful Anti-Suicide Video for the Song "The Beast Within"

By in Music Videos, News | 2 Comments

Industrial Rock artist, Klank, who has been around in the music scene for well over two decades now blurring the lines between the electronic and heavy metal. Some may call it industrial and some may just call straight up heavy metal but whatever your preference, it’s good to see Klank still making music and shining a bright light in a dark world. Klank has just released a powerful music video bringing to light the plight of those suffering from mental illness and the sadness of depression in this country. These are all topics WE MUST discuss and keep open dialogue with those around us. I too myself struggle with a mental illness and there are times where I even find myself in despair and wondering, why? It’s not easy sometimes but thankfully for my own situation, I have a loving family and care from a great dr. I don’t mean to get all personal on our readers but I strongly believe in sharing our struggles in order to bring to light the truth and reality of mental illness in this country. There is always help out there, don’t resist and just reach out your hand to someone around you. Never feel ashamed. #endthestigma Listen to “The Beast Within”, below. Thank you Klank.

From Klank:

Here’s the premiere of KLANK – “The Beast Within” anti-suicide video!

I had our video producer Anthony Herrera write a synopsis of the vision and exactly what we were looking to achieve with this video:
As an artist, I wanted to take such a sensitive subject matter and present it in a way that was both hard to see but also relate-able and inspirational. It is a call out to those that have hard days, hard lives and hard circumstances.

We follow a man who goes through his day to day routines and is frustrated about his family life, his work life, incidental circumstances that come up like unexpected tickets while being focused on things besides driving to work. He frets over his bills, his income and possibly his wife cheating on him. This is the Everyman who has been down on his luck that may have reached the end of his long rope or just never had much of a rope to start with. The culmination of his frustrations result in trying to numb his life with alcohol, pills, and finally, he reaches the point where he wants to end it all in the back of his yard with a gun. Fortunately, a friend finds him at the end and is able to commiserate, empathize and be a friend to a man who seemingly has nothing.

Interspersed throughout the chorus are photos of loved ones, friends and family that have found no hope and our job as artists was to memorialize them the best we can, as somberly as we could, with love and hope that these people would inspire others to get the help they need and the support that is truly necessary.

Video by Anthony Herrera / Faceless Identity
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September 4, 2017 6:01 pm

It’s so good to see a shift towards actual discussion of the illness. More and more people are opening up and taking away the stigma towards depression and suicide, and I hope it’s a trend that continues. I was actually impressed with the quality of the video, the people shouting along the chorus were a nice touch that really helped to add that inspirational message on the topic.

Aaron Velazquez Jr.
September 9, 2017 10:10 pm
Reply to  Mark

God bless you, Mark. ??

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