Light The Way CDs, Tapes, and Other News From IVM

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I am pleased to announce that I just received a large shipment of Light The Way CDs, fresh from the factory. This CD is titled “Dude, Lame: Deluxe Edition, Man!”. It features both Eps “Grace” and “Dude, Lame” in their entirety all one on disc. Included are lyrics and full digipak packaging. Get yours for only $5 today in the IVM Store here. I also now have stock on DENS and American Arson. I am awaiting a shipment of Mainsail CDs and as soon as they are here the “preorder” link will disappear and then they’ll all start shipping. I have word that the At The Wayside CDs will be coming soon as well. In addition to all of this and the stickers, I also have 3 tapes on the way from Light The Way, Mainsail, and soon: At The Wayside. The Light The Way and Mainsail cassettes will ship in mid July. At The Wayside will ship by end of July. These are all limited run and available in two colors each per album. The Light The Way Tapes will feature alternate artwork and include a very special NEW interview with Paul Gibson of The Christian Rock 20 just for those Tape fans.

The Light The Way CDs are also limited run. I’ve been told that once Light The Way sell through these CDs, they will be printing each ep individually with different artwork.

I am hosting pre-orders for the new Light The Way and Indie Vision Music Tshirts, perfect for summer. Get those here and here. Tshirts will begin shipping in Mid-Late July.

Other stuff on the horizon include a special IVM Compilation on Tape/CD titled “Punk Never Surrenders”. I plan to release this before Uprise Fest in September. That’s right, Indie Vision Music will have a very special booth at Uprise Fest this September in Pennsylvania. The booth will be run by our very own Rob Jensen (of the band No Lost Cause). This will be a joint effort along with Thumper Punk Records. If you’re at the fest make sure to stop and say hello to Rob plus pick up the latest merch.

I’d like to personally thank BrokenFM for spinning our bands and taking a chance on new Pop-Punk music. Some other stations we’ve tried to get the music on are hesitant but it’ll happen eventually. You can currently listen to “BRKN” by Light The Way and “Lose One Friend, Lose All Friends, Lose Yourself” over on BrokenFM up in Northern California as well as through their BrokenFM App and streaming through their website.

Thanks for being patient with IVM during the past few weeks. My home PC died, I went on an extended vacation to the Bahamas, and when I returned I had to buy a new PC (dang Motherboard was shot on old PC). Now I can post from mobile devices but it takes me awhile to do so and is tedious so I prefer posting news, updates from a PC. More news will be posted on this website in the coming weeks now that I am back into the swing of things. Thanks for your support.

Make sure to sign up for the IVM Official Newsletter List to stay updated on all our bands and latest happenings. You can sign up for the YMLP Newsletter right here. Remember, when you see “links” in the newsletter with weird language, it is legit. YMLP puts those weird links in the newsletter for me to track stats on what people click on and such. It makes for a more user friendly experience.

This about wraps up the latest IVM News Blast Roundup. More news to follow soon.

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June 20, 2017 4:58 pm

I’ve been waiting on those At the Wayside CDs, so definitely let us know when they’re available! I’ve also been dying for those auctions to pick back up, sorry about the dead PC. It’s too bad you’re not near me, I just spent last Friday night doing a motherboard replacement for a friend, I love fixing that stuff (even when you have to take a screwdriver to the back of it and start hammering the bracket off…). Good luck with the next computer, they can be a hassle.

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