Lost in Ohio have just launched a kickstarter campaign (click here) to re-release the controversial debut release from Aunt Betty’s on Vinyl, Tape, and CD. The band featured the late Mike Knott and members of Dakota Motor Co., LSU, Fanmail, etc. The one and only album from this project released in 1996 on a major label but the band imploded shortly after it’s release and many people never got the chance to hear it’s raw, blunt, and unabashedly unafraid punk rock glory. I did listen to this album at one time but my memories escape me for what I found and I wrote it off. It came the same year that Social Distortion “White Light….” released and so I always tied to the two together in my head. It was vastly different I do know that but maybe the youth group kid in me at that time took offense at some things coming from some artists I highly respected and looked up to. I look back on that era and just smile. There were a lot of things I just didn’t understand as a youngster that make more sense now. Honesty is a rare thing and Mike Knott certainly didn’t shy away from it. It’s too bad he isn’t here to take this whole project in and offer his thoughts. He is missed.

Lost in Ohio Launch Campaign to Press Aunt Betty's 1996 Album on Vinyl/Tape/CD
By Brandon J. in News | No Comments
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