Check out a brand new Mae track titled “Our Love Is A Painted Picture” right here on the band’s website. Not much else is known at this point other than the band is back and will be releasing more new music in 2017.

Mae - Our Love Is A Painted Picture (New Song)
By Brandon J. in News | 3 Comments
I really love this song! It gives me the butterflies in my stomach that the old songs gave me. This is everything I hoped for and better!
This is a nice coffee-shop song. Light and airy, soothing. I’m not diggin the robo-noises but they didn’t ruin the song for me. I think artists today straddle a fine line between staying new and hip, and trying too hard (in the process, losing themselves and what their music/identity was to their fans). I am cautious with new albums because you never know if the new stuff is the same juju that made you fall in love with the music in the first place.
I love MAE but I was bored with this song. I hate being critical of someone’s art, but I am just being honest!
I would pick up a new album for sure though.