Magdalene Rose, formerly of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, has dropped a new single titled, “Hey, At Least I’m Feeling Something”. Check it out below!
The track is pretty eclectic, featuring heavy guitars, some easycore/pop-punk feeling moments. This coupled with Maggie’s melodic, yet driving vocals make for an audible one-two punch sure to please long-time fans while garnering some new ones in the process.
But the heart of the song is found in the lyrics, which deal with the heavy subject of cutting. Very well crafted songwriting for such a weighty subject matter.
We echo Maggie’s sentiments in urging those suffering from this issue to feel open to bringing it out of the dark and sharing it with someone you feel comfortable sharing it with. If this seems too difficult, we would urge you to follow the advice in Maggie’s posts: