Messengers Emerge From a Long Slumber to Knock Us All to the Floor With Their Thundering Metal Assault

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How do you like that headline? Was it over the top? Well when you have a powerful band with a heavy presence like this band – MESSENGERS (Texas), you can’t help but feel floored. This band released an EP called “Anthems” 10 years ago on the Facedown Records imprint, Strike First Records and it blew a lot of people away. Part thrash, part metal, part rock n roll, and pure heaviness. The band has emerged from their slumber after releasing their last Ep in 2013, to sort of announce a return? Not much is said yet but they have launched their own Storenvy site selling some cool merch and have some new art on their facebook page. Are you excited about this return and potential re-release? Would you all want that long awaited full length from these guys? Let’s make it happen!

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Phil metalhed
Phil metalhed
March 3, 2020 5:54 am

Cool, but im stil waitin 4 a ful length, lol.

March 3, 2020 7:33 am
Reply to  Phil metalhed

Lol you and me both

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