My Epic Unleash Their Heavy New Track "White Noises" (Feat. Cory Brandan)

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My Epic are back with a new song titled “White Noises” featuring Cory Brandan the frontman for Norma Jean. If you don’t know who My Epic are and aren’t familiar with Cory’s work, check out this song! This is an explosive, glass shattering heavy new track with enough sonic depth that it simply overwhelms the senses. I think there are three different fans of My Epic, the ones who love the light stuff (Broken Voice), the heavy “Behold”, and the ones who appreciation EVERYTHING the band does. I fall in the latter camp and pretty love everything they put out. I feel in love with My Epic and Aaron’s voice in particular from the moment I heard “This is Rescue” back in 2006 I believe? They were even an IVM band for like a second but thankfully Facedown signed them and have supported their incredible rock n’ roll and ministry presence for over a decade now. You can’t go wrong with this band’s collective works. Seriously, check this song out and give a listen on digital networks to everything they’ve put out. My Epic are like one of those dedicated group of bands that most haven’t heard yet the fans adore. “Violence” could just be that break out success story of 2019 and I encourage you, ok I was wrong, I PLEAD you to give it a listen. Pre-orders are available right here and the song can be found below this message. Enjoy!

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March 23, 2019 12:47 pm

I echo your sentiments to the letter: My Epic is a solid band that maintains sonic depth and musicianship while not compromising biblical truth in their lyrics and message. I pretty much love everything they put out—from I Am Undone, to Ultraviolence, and everything in between.

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