Names Without Numbers will return very soon with yet another incredible and a “built for radio” sound that they’ve become world renown for. I can’t promise it’ll sound exactly like that but I’m just going off past experiences and knowing this band actually has talent and experience to back up the hype. If I were to guess I’d say this will be absolute perfection, like if I had to guess and all. If you want to buy some Merch from the band direct then click here for their personally run store. They have some deals going on too so pay attention. Follow their website and socials for continuing updates on this song and many more to come (hopefully).

Names Without Numbers "Florida" Coming Soon
By Brandon J. in News | 1 Comment
Okay Brandon, help me out with something. I’ve been wracking my brain over this. Names Without Numbers did a split release with a really heavy metalcore band in the 00s, something like Analog/Analogue something or other. But there’s no record of it on Discogs. Do you know what I’m talking about?