I thought i’d do a quick post about some new releases out yesterday. New songs out by Small Wars (Fair Vaux) and Sam’s The Hero (Small Step Records), new acoustic EP by Names Without Numbers (Small Step Records), the chaotic Pipe Bomb and song “Tied Down”, killer hardcore band – Debtor with “Dead To The World”, and that powerful new full length from Lacey Sturm. Anything else we missed? Next week is the 2 song single from Too Bad Eugene, and the 4th release by Mainframe titled “Good Hearts”. If you want to follow along with all these new/recent releases from 2023, check out this Spotify Playlist we created, right here. Listen below. *I also have to clarify a post we made a week ago about the new Spoken song. It appears that it was accidentally posted to Spotify and was then immediately pulled. Our posts were also pulled down in respect to the band’s upcoming release promotions. Once we get news on that new Spoken song and the album to come, we will post about it.

New Music Out Now: November 17th 2023
By Brandon J. in News | 2 Comments
I do miss the weekly “New Release” posts – any chance those are coming back? (Admittedly Nov. 17 caught me by surprise – so much new music! Lacey Sturm, Signum Regis…)
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