Officer Negative Reunite and Working on New Album

By in News | 3 Comments

Here we are in 2024 in the midst of festival season and reunions that just didn’t seem so likely years ago. Well, fortunately for us one of those bands by the name of Officer Negative, have reunited. Not only are they working on a new album but will also be playing live shows very soon. To see the new lineup (with some familiar faces), click below or visit their page on instagram: officernegative.official. So what are your favorite Officer Negative songs? If you want to buy merch from them, click this link here. It’s also of interest to note that 2 of the band’s early albums, “Dead To The World” and “Zombie Nation” are both up on all digital streaming networks (Spotify, Apple, etc).

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July 15, 2024 11:59 am

Neat! I wonder if the are going back to their punk roots, or going to continue in the metal direction that their Solid State album was like. Hoping it’ll be their original sound.

mr. zer0
mr. zer0
July 20, 2024 7:32 am

This is such a treat. Easily went in and bought this. I see Dogwood may be receiving the repress treatment soon so I’m excited for what’s to come.

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