My Place Was Taken - Cordero Y Leon (Official Music Video)

By in Music Videos, News | 8 Comments

New Rottweiler Records band “My Place Was Taken” have released their new music video for “Cordero Y Leon” that we are happy to premiere right here at IVM today. This song and band will please fans of “Impending Doom, Fit For A King, For Today, A Plea For Purging, and The Great Commission”. The Mexico based metal band has been making waves in the music scene and are sharing their positive and faith affirming with people across the globe via Rottweiler Records. Check out the video below and read up a little on the band. Check out the album on bandcamp here.

In 2014, vocalist Jesus Salas and guitarist Abraham Barberi met to talk about the violence, drugs, and crime devastating their border town of Matamoros, Mexico. They noticed that there is a segment of their culture in Matamoros that is heavily affected by drugs, alcohol and violence: The metal scene. They decided that it was time for a new, brutal band to form and take the gospel message of hope and peace to the local metal scene in Matamoros, and close towns.

As Salas and Barberi began recruiting musicians, they had two conditions besides being a committed musician: to love God and to love others. In the middle of 2015 they released their first EP, “My Place Was Taken”, which garnered the band enough attention in Mexico that they began gigging not only away from home, but across the USA border. The following year, in 2016 My Place Was Taken entered a more professional recording studio in McAllen, Texas to record a six song e.p. titled, “Imparables”. This recording also saw the new additions of Helix Nebula on bass and Daniel Castaneda on drums.

The name My Place Was Taken comes from Mark 15:5-15 where we see the unconditional love of The Lord and His willingness to take the place of sinners by willingly dying for them on a cross. The name of the band reflects the mission to take the most amazing love story in history to the darkest places, telling people that God does not hate them. A message of hope, love and redemption through Jesus Christ is the band’s modus operandi.

During a tour date in Irapuato, Mexico My Place Was Taken shared the stage with Grave Robber, whose front man is Rottweiler Records’ label owner. My Place Was Taken’s shared vision was apparent enough to warrant a partnership with Rottweiler Records, who is set to unleash “Imparables” to the world!
FOR FANS OF: Impending Doom, Fit For A King, For Today, A Plea For Purging, The Great Commission

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Abraham Barberi
March 28, 2018 4:36 pm

Thank you for doing this! Blessings from Matamoros, Mexico!

March 27, 2018 12:11 pm

Thank you, Indie Vision!

April 8, 2018 6:28 am

I don’t speak Spanish, but I’m really digging the rhythm of the vocals–it’s noticeably different from English speaking/singing bands of similar style.
The handful of non-English bands I’ve come across (mostly via IVM here) I’ve really enjoyed listening to, just because the rhythm and meter feels so different. I hope y’all can find more bands like this to post about

April 8, 2018 7:25 am
Reply to  Travis

Travis, if you’re interested in more Spanish singing Christian artists, feel free to e-mail me at I’d be happy to not only let you know some bands to check out, but also provide links to free downloads the bands themselves offer. Everything from pop punk, easycore, hardcore, and metalcore. Christ be with you, brother!

April 3, 2018 6:36 pm

Ok so I tried to post in Spanish, but I got a message stating awaiting moderation and never got posted. Anyhow, since you guys are from Matamoros, you should go check out La Primera Iglesia Reformada de Matamoros to hear pastor Ernesto. You can also see videos on YouTube. Here’s the facebook page:

April 2, 2018 4:37 pm

Por que vives en Matamoros, ustedes necesitan a pasar a la Primera Iglesia Reformada de Matamoros para oyer el Pastor Ernesto. Puedes a ver videos tambien en YouTube. Aqui esta la pagina de facebook:

March 30, 2018 4:05 pm

que viva el rock cristiano

March 30, 2018 4:04 pm

me parece genial le prediquen el evangelio que ase mucha falta bendiciones a su tierra y prediquen el evangelio en México y usa Dios los bendiga my place was taken y a indie vision music también desde Lima peru

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