The much loved, classic indie rock band from the Pacific Northwest known as POOR OLD LU, have just begun a kickstarter campaign for the Vinyl Reissue of their now classic album – “Straight Six”. You can contribute to the campaign and check out several different reward levels including a special listening party when it’s all done. Click here for the kickstarter.

Poor Old Lu "Straight Six" Vinyl Reissue & More
By Brandon J. in News | 2 Comments
Let’s not forget that they are also reissuing Straight Six on remastered CD as well! Vinyl is nice and all, but there are plenty of us whose primary method of listening to music is still CD regardless of any push to do away with them. CDs will always sound superior to vinyl in my opinion.
It wasn’t mentioned by accident. No ulterior motives of pro-vinyl, anti-cd were present. Just honest forgetfulness.