In honor of a special day that serves as a tribute to mothers across the world, I present a little IVM Playlist called “Pop Punk Moms“. Now mind you, not every song is cheery BUT, they are female fronted, angsty, and yet some happiness shines through on quite a few 😉 So head over here on Spotify (for those that use the service) and give it a listen. I have also embedded the playlist below this post if you want to sample it. Any other suggestions in this realm of tunes can do so in the comments below. Enjoy and don’t forget to wish your Mom or a mother of any kind nearby, Happy Mother’s Day. For those of you who’ve lost, who’ve grieved, who are seeking love, we see you, we hear you, we love you. Love always. – Brandon/IVM

Pop Punk Moms - The Playlist
By Brandon J. in News | No Comments
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