PREMIER: Former Ruins Debuts "Sparrow Eyes", "Doxology"

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We’re excited to give you a first look at two tracks off the forthcoming Former Ruins album, No Creature is Hidden. The title comes from a lyric in “Sparrow Eyes”.

Concerning the two tracks, listeners will find music anchored in both spirit and flesh. These songs wrestle against the gnostic schism, accepting the “already and not yet” reality of the world where the Kingdom has come.

“Sparrow Eyes” looks at being seen and being known by God – and the terrifying repercussions of this. “What we are is known to You. What we are is made for You,” the lyrics proclaim. In an era of self-definitions, an ever-expanding set of characteristics that lead to radical individualism, and a post-modern mindset that denies things that have fundamentally been understood as true for millennia, this is a simple truth that leads us back to objectivity.

So I could try to flee from your sight

Or fold myself into a beam of light

Or become any kind of thing I like

But what I am is known to you

In our running, in our attempts to alter the substance of our own being, God knows what we truly are – made for Himself.

“Doxology” builds upon the well-known song, carrying many of the same elements of from “Sparrow Eyes”. “Praise God with language long-confessed,” a new verse adds. It’s a subtle nod to liturgical tradition that spans generations and tribes. “Praise God that the salt fails to meet our thirst. Praise God Who yearns to meet it first.” A number of other references are dropped to Peter’s denial or John the Baptist dancing in the womb. But the crux of the song is this: praising God in the way He expects is costly, but we actually FIND ourselves in the loss of repentance.

Check out both lyric videos below and consider adding them to a playlist. You can also support Former Ruins by joining the Patron Circle on Bandcamp.

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