Andrew Schwab and Project 86 have just made their debut 1998 “Self Titled” album available once again for streaming/digital purchase. The album has been offline for a number of years probably due to some offense with the song “Independence?”. This album put the Orange County, CA. band on the map in 1998 and by the time of “Drawing Black Lines” in 2000, this band’s mark was clearly felt. I was lucky enough to witness the band’s first few shows back when Ethan Luck was in the band and they had a very heavy, aggressive, RATM influence. Those shows were nothing short of explosive. Heck I even approached them as an 18 year old to try and get them to sign with Slingshot Records (Screaming Giant), haha. Oh what fun that would have been, am I right? Grab Project 86 “Self Titled” now wherever you find quality digital music.

Project 86 Re-Release "Self Titled" 1998 Album
By Brandon J. in News | 13 Comments
While Project only got better after this, there’s an intensity that raw power on their debut album that I dig. It’s only a shame they didn’t put Numb on the album, as it’s a great song.
Lame that the label (Capital CMG?) removed it, glad it’s back.
“probably due to some offense with the song “Independence?””- Brandog, xplain, lol.
Also, wen+ y did they change da name 2 “screamin giant”?
I don’t seem to see the “controversy” myself. Andrew seems to be speaking of the abomination of homosexuality and I totally agree with every lyric in this song. It has long been one of my favorites and the fact that this would even be controversial, especially coming from a Christian mindset is disturbing to say the least. In today’s upside down world however, I suppose evil tastes good to the masses.
Back when it was up before there were complaints from listeners on the song “Independence”. I read the comments on YouTube and a few people weren’t happy. Part of the reason the label took it down. I posted the lyrics link in the article.
Intrestin. But y did slingshot change ther name+ wer any releases put out by them?
Kendall Nadeau came up with the name Slingshot Records. It was a take off David and Goliath story. I even had business cards with my name on it 😉 First two bands were Second Half and Officer Negative. He changed the name before those albums came out because there was already another Slingshot Records apparently. I worked as A&R at 18 years old l. I brought demos by Incomplete, Bloodshed/Slingshot David, Dingees, and Project 86, plus a bunch of other local bands from around back them. My Officer Negative demo tape is what sold Kendall on them. We even hosted… Read more »
I knew ther had 2 b mor 2 da story, lol. Thanx 4 mor tidbits of “behind da scenes” brandog!!
I suppose the truth hurts these days.
I might be oblivious… but still don’t see the controversy after reading. Care to explain so I can say, “oh duh” LOL
I second Bpuckhead. I really don’t understand the controversy care to give a knucklehead explanation?
“Your rainbow’s a symbol
Of a smile on your face unforgettable
You look to the skies and smirk while your choice proves completely regrettable”